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As a child,Kai  was endlessly curious about the world around him, always asking questions and seeking answers. His inquisitive nature led him to explore everything from the stars in the night sky to the tiny creatures crawling in the garden.

Growing up, Kai's passion for science only deepened. He devoured books on biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy, eager to unravel the mysteries of the universe. In school, he excelled in science classes, his enthusiasm infectious to both his classmates and teachers.

But it wasn't just the theoretical aspects of science that fascinated Kai; it was the opportunity to apply that knowledge to real-world problems. He dreamed of making a difference, of using science to improve the lives of others and to contribute to the greater good.

Determined to pursue his passion, Kai dedicated himself to his studies. He spent countless hours in the laboratory, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and pushing the boundaries of what was known. Despite the challenges he faced along the way, Kai never wavered in his pursuit of knowledge.

Eventually, Kai's hard work paid off, and he earned his degree in a field of science that resonated with his interests and goals. Armed with knowledge and a relentless drive to make a difference, Kai embarked on a career as a scientist.

His journey was not without its setbacks and obstacles, but with each challenge, Kai grew stronger and more resilient. He embraced failure as an opportunity to learn and to improve, knowing that every experiment, every discovery, brought him one step closer to his ultimate goal.

And so, Kai's journey as a scientist continues, fueled by curiosity, passion, and the belief that through science, anything is possible. Whether he's unlocking the secrets of the cosmos or developing groundbreaking technologies, Kai remains committed to pushing the boundaries of what is known and shaping the future of science for generations to come.

He worked at "QRRC"- Quantum Realms Research Centre

A normal day for kai began with him getting ready for office.
The usual

"Ma! My WATCH I can't find it"
Kai yelled with tears in his eyes and a sock in his hand the other one already worn.

"YOU'RE 23 learn to keep your things nicely"
His mother said from downstairs setting up the table.
This is pretty normal for the Wong household.

Kai loved the watch beyond his life ,his grandmother gave it to him when she was on her death bed.
The thing was every single time he lost the watch it would end up on the door mat.

His mom always joked
"It's magical, it'll appear here every time it's not in your room"
Kai never believed it, but for the time being decided to check.
Maybe I just left near the door yesterday

He thought to himself.
So nevertheless he went down to check  and, yes he found his watch there lying like it wanted to be there forever I don't know to explain that but that's what the watch looked like.

Not caring enough he  grabbed the
watch and the briefcase in the other hand and started rushing towards his office while he was there he just thought about how the watch ended up there but as soon as he thought of getting his coffee he forgot about the watch, oh did he love coffee so much ,but would never agree that he's addicted , forgetting all of that he decided to focus on his day. He entered the office almost getting late and found people stared at him as he looked at them in confusion wondering what was wrong it was 9:01 and he was supposed to reach the office at 9 he was late for the third time this month which was pretty unusual for  kai.He just bowed and sat down.

"Kai the boss called you"
Ethan called kai out while he made coffee for himself.
"I'll be there soon"
Kai replied murmuring a "oh no what did I do now?" under his breath.
Walking towards his boss -Emma's cabin fidgeting with his shirt.

"May I come in?"
He asked trying to sound confident.
"Oh!, Mr. Wong sure"
He bowed and walked in.
"You were looking for me?"
"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about your project, you've been working very hard on i think you should continue the research in kaish"

Kai's world stopped

This is what he always wanted.
This is what he needed.
Going to kaish
"Oh my god!! Thank you so much I’m m so glad"
He said not being able to contain his happiness.
"Yes, but uhmm.... you've to leave Tomorrow as you have to report the branch of QRRC there.
He thought to himself.
He nodded in response. A bit hesitant but he followed his heart and made a side note in his head about all the mess he had to gather.

"You can leave and start packing I suppose?"
Emma said breaking his train of thoughts.
"Oh-yes, I'll leave now"
He said as he went towards the door bowing and thanking her.
He just stepped out of the door and two faces stared at him with curiosity,them being Mira and Ethan, his colleagues who he was friends with.
"Did she yell?"
"Did you get an increase?"
"Was she mad?"
"Why did she call you so urgently?"
"Are you good"
Kai was flooded with alll these questions by them.
"Chill guys!!no she didn't yell,i don't know if I'm getting an increase,she wasn't mad,she called me to tell me about my transfer so-"
Mira said dramatically,while Ethan just stood there trying not to scream in happiness, because he knew it had to be Kaish.
"Shhh-later someday.... I've to leave today!"
Kai replied feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the sudden changes.
"Good luck with everything, Kai! We'll miss you!" Mira said, giving him a hug.
"Thanks, guys! I'll miss you too!" Kai replied, feeling grateful for his friends' support.
"Don't forget to call us everyday ok?"
Ethan said as it was finally hitting him that he won't see kai everyday now.
"Tell us if you meet anyone, you know "Mira said in a teasing manner.
"I'm gonna go work there"
Kai said being serious.
He was both excited and nervous. He knew it was a great opportunity for him to grow and develop his skills, but he was also going to miss his family and friends. 
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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