Sun X Eclipse (Assassin AU)

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(with some moon x solar in there)

(thank you so much @Pheonixe123 for this idea! <3)

(btw solar and eclipse work together)

Sun and moon have been working as assassins for years now, some could even say they're at the top of their game. but with great work comes even greater challenges. they had been placed with the task to take down the same two people for the last month. solar... and eclipse. having A LOT of backstory with these two sun and moon were perfect for the job!... (yeah their totally not gonna get fucked over... or just fuc-).

Why did it take so fucking long for Sun and Moon to actually kill solar and eclipse?. well those two are sneaky fucks what can I say?~.

(Sun): "brother we have checked here FIVE TIMES ALREADY!?". sun yelled clearly getting pissed about how long they have been trying to complete this botched mission. sun and moon had been checking every shady spot in the city trying to find these hot Cheeto Doritos!?. sun looked at his face and relisting moon wasn't listening. (Sun): "moon... MOON!?" suddenly moon stood up and snapped out of his paralysed state. (Moon): "uh yeah???... i'm listening" (sun): "clearly" sun said sarcastically knowing moon wasn't listening for shit!?.

sun and moon had been looking in an abandoned warehouse at the edge of the city. it had been abandoned for years. and it was right next to the forest right beside the city. and what made this feel more like a horror movie is the fact it was 12:10 at night... 

(Sun): "" sun didn't rather enjoy the feeling of having someone watch him from the trees. and it didn't help that tonight was a new moon so there was no light. (Moon): "hm?- what's up..." as moon looked through the where house with a flashlight he shone the light around the room. 


moon whipped his head around hearing what seemed to be a twig snapping in half. he wasn't scared of much but now even his metallic heart was pounding. he took out his pistol placing it in front of him and ever so carefully walked over to the door. he slightly crouched down leaning on an angle to peek through the crook of the door. pupils had turned into thin slits focusing all of his attention to who or what ever was there. he look over to see...

sun?... he peeked his head through the door. he flinched seeing moon standing to shoot. moons eyes then went back to their oval shape seeing it was just sun. (Moon): "sun!?- what the fuck were you doing!?" moon took a deep sigh lowering his gun but still keeping it in his hand. sun then walked in the room his gun also in hand. (Sun): "I was looking for you? why is your gun out?" he then walked up to moon his hand on his hip. (Moon): "why do you think?"

(Sun): "eh fair". sun mumbled out before walking over and putting his hand out. (Sun): "but maybe I should handle all the weapons? wouldn't want you hurting anyone?~". moon gave sun a weird look. he said that in such a condescending tone?. and for what???. (Moon): "I think I can hold on to it for now" he began to put his gun in his gun holder. but he hesitated. he knew tonight was probably going to be a dead end and he has overreacted many times before. this time he was lucky. but the amount of times he has shot at sun for scaring him on accident is not joke.

he then sighed and gave the gun to sun who still had his hand placed firmly in front of him. (Moon): "actually if you could hold onto this for me that would actually help". sun grinned. putting the gun in one of his two gun holders.

(Moon): "welp... where do you suggest we check next?" sun then tilted his head looking over to the side supposedly thinking... (Sun): "hmm-... how about around the back?" moon also tilted his head vise versa to sun. (Moon): "... but aren't you scared of the dark?" sun chuckled like that was the stupidest yet most amusing question he had ever heard!?. (Sun): "oh brother! you worry to much~" sun then chuckled walking away over to the door anticipating moon would follow him. moon as anticipated followed sun to where ever they were going.

once moon reached the main room he stopped?. he saw sun standing in the middle of the room looking over at him. he had a malicious grin...

(time skip 10 minutes earlier with sun)

as sun called out for moon he walked through the dark hall (Sun): "moon!?" he called out practically begging for a response. he then stopped when he heard a loud snap!. despite his pure fear of the dark he didn't move. not even to grab his flashlight. this was one of his first missions in the dark. normally he was good in the city only because it was jam packed with lights. but here there was nothing to illuminate the area. (Sun): "...moon" sun whispered trying his best to keep a steady breath.

it felt like someone was watching him... someone to close to run from. but all he could do was try?. sun then bolted it to where he thought moon was. after running through the rooms he saw that a door was slightly open with light peeking through it. he the poked his head through but what he saw shocked him... it was moon and... himself!?. 

he was stunned to see some kind of doppelganger!. 

(Sun): "!!!"

sun then felt a sharp and intense pain in the crook of his neck. barely after 3 seconds he felt incredibly weak. she used an incredible amount of strength lifting his arm trying to feel around the back of his neck. when he pulled out a dart that mused have been laced with some kind of sleeping drug on the tip.

as he fell to his knees he felt someone yank him by his top ray. (sun): "Mm!?". sun yelped from the sudden contact. when he turned him head his eyes widened as much as they physically could...

(Eclipse): "night night sun~"

(back to moon)

when moon saw sun grinning his ass off he was rather confused and disturbed. sun then did an entire colour change from yellow to orange and red-ish - brown... fuck.

(Moon): "" moon frowned bearing his teeth. he then went to reach for his gun... solar grinned seeing his frustration. (Moon): "so... how long did it take you to figure that out?". (how to change forms). (Solar): "hmpf- i thought you would be more concerned about where sun was". realising sun was gone he started silently panicking... shit.. shit shit shitttt. solar grinned now bering teeth at moons realisation. he then walked up to him. almost face to face with the man. (Solar): "how much are you willing to give to get your brother back?~" (Moon): " son of a bitch"

(now let's whip right back to sun and now the ship actually starts)

sun slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the light the his surroundings. everything was incredibly blurry. it took him a while to actually comprehend what was actually happening. it took a second but his vision started to clear up. but at this point maybe staying blind was the better option... as he looked around he realised he was restrained up against a chair by some rope. and across from him sitting at the table right in front of his was eclipse with his feet prompted up on the table and a smug grin plastered across his face. 

(Eclipse): "well would ya look at that~... hello sunrise~" 

(part 1/???)


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