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Octavia Stephanie Trevor, she was the first Wonder Girl and known to be different from her mother Diana Prince. She has a lot of grit, has a tomboy lifestyle since birth due to training at Themyscira (she hates royal tiaras, princess dresses, and high heels as a crowned heir to the throne), shown to be very edgy, runs on violence, and has a dark side that made her bad to the bone as a biker chick in black, white, silver, and blue. Her father Steve Trevor put her through military training at boot camp every summer break and her mother supported Octavia's career as a rock star.

The young woman showed to have a soft side, such as treating her best friends as loved ones, being there for family members, and growing overprotective with her top allies. Octavia's rock star fame came from her playing bass, guitar, drums, piano, violin, and more to write her own songs about her origin story and life. She did another thing for cash and it gave her a major advantage to fighting, which was professional wrestling under the ring alias Osleya Darkstar, and she was a bloody nightmare with a wicked mind of her own for eradicating women and ripping men's pride to shreds.

Zeus and Hera's son Hercules aka Jason Prince [Periander] married Hippolyta aka Gabrielle Treptos [Electra], they have Exoristos aka Diana Prince, who gave them a grandchild named Xena aka Octavia Trevor from Steve Trevor [Heron], who got his warrior name "Perseus" to pay homage to the legendary god who brought Gargareans of Thalarion and Amazons of Themyscira as one tribe to become the new Olympians of Paradise Island after slaying Medusa's Gorgon tribe while being blinded with snake venom. Once the Giant War was over, the deities rebuilt the ancient isles and watched their son marry the love of his life who became a goddess. It was passed onto Diana, but it ended when a demigoddess was born and love grew strong like thunder mixed with lightning in a storm.

Jason has one nemesis named Leviathan aka Daniel Hall [Acrisius] and Hippolyta fought a woman named Megara aka Norma Skorn [Ariana], who was cursed by eating the flesh of giants and poisoning themselves in demonic corruption with darkness to become the first Daemons ever to be born in Melidoni. The couple soon got themselves a daughter of their own named Aresia aka Cinda Hall [Alexia], who fled Earth for Apokolips for Hector Lowell aka Steppenwolf [Seraphim], and were gifted with a daughter named Roxanne Lowell aka Devastation and this family were the new Melidoni people who got Parademons to fuse with Doomsday's DNA strands alongside them devouring giant flesh to become their soldiers known as Paradooms. The Justice League of America managed to defeat them and their most powerful ally Mistress Destiny revived the lives lost by those who didn't deserve to die this soon.

Their daughter Deva was taken from them by a couple named Howard Corinth and Erika Thrace, who met their fates of being beheaded by Daemons and eaten alive for a feast after her mother's ally Circe turned them into pigs as a roasted dinner. Devastation was escorted back to her home planet, where Granny Goodness taught her everything to become a fury and was cursed with the Phantom Zone's most powerful weapon...the Phantom of Darkness for the Fallen Ace's quest as the Dark Persona within the Phantom Zone. Devastation failed to defeat Octavia, who went by "Red Queen" for retrieving the Sword of Adamantine known as Deathbringer from the Wraiths and conquering titans as a slayer of beasts while riding her black vampiric pegasus Discordia for being a bloody nightmare.

Octavia's Roman name was Blodreina for her work there, she made sure nobody wasn't infected by the giant flesh they almost eaten and were given immunity potions to cure themselves from the snake venom. She murdered many monsters and hunted down legendary beasts whenever she wants to for practice. Medusa was resurrected once more, she defeated her due to her immortality and sixth sense as the Avatar of Light chosen by the Spirit World.

Octavia truly found love right under the sea named Kaldur'ahm, they met each other at five years old and got along very well. She remembers Atlantis and how beautiful it truly was before her eyes, it made her wonder if there's more people like her secret lover. Their romance soon grew after them being friends formed a bond and it proven to be powerful.

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