Baby's first words

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Lisa was sitting in the rocking chair next to the window, she had her eyes closed in a futile attempt to calm her headache and every few seconds she used her feet to push herself slightly so that the movement of the rocking chair was a little more exaggerated.

Through a yawn she managed to continue humming the melody of a song, at this point she was pretty sure she had just been automatically repeating the same verse over and over again but no one can blame her, It was Saturday and it wasn't even 7 am. She was never a morning person but today it was particularly affecting her as she was barely able to get two hours of sleep in a row for the past few days.

Fortunately for her, after rocking in the chair and humming for about an hour, the deafening screams stopped and Lisa sighed in relief...

Although she should know better

Because the screams stopped for 30 seconds before she felt a small hand wrap itself around a strand of her hair and he pulled it hard as if he wanted to tear it from her head. Lisa couldn't help the moan of pain that came from her lips and when she heard herself she opened her eyes worried.

Oh no

Lisa knew that face

His small brow furrowed and his lips pursed briefly before he let out a heartbreaking cry

The boy looked even more distraught than before and when Lisa heard it she couldn't help but feel like crying along with him but she swallowed her sobs because it would only make the situation worse.

"Jun-Woo, what's wrong little man?" Lisa adjusted her grip on the baby and she carefully got up from the chair, kissed the thin, sparse strands of hair on his head and began to walk in a circle around the room.

"Tell mom what's happening" she whispered to him as she placed him on the changing table.

Obviously she didn't get any response, Jun-Woo was almost 10 months old and all he did was babble incoherently, yet Lisa wishes there was something like a baby translator because she was going crazy. She had woken up to Jun-Woo's crying through the baby monitor, at first she thought he just needed a diaper change but she couldn't be more wrong. That was more than an hour ago and the boy wouldn't stop crying, Lisa tried everything, she changed his diaper twice, she cuddled him, she sang to him, she played with him, she made him a bottle, she lay down next to him on the carpet and hugged him, she even try to give him that disgusting apple mush that he seems to love and nothing.

If this had happened a few months ago she probably would have run to the hospital but deep down she knew he was being picky, he probably just had a sore tummy or his gums hurt from teething but that didn't mean it wasn't stressful. No one likes to see their child in pain and not know what's wrong, when she embarked on the journey of motherhood she knew it wasn't going to be easy but damn, she had really underestimated all the mothers in the world

As an afterthought she thought that maybe the boy was hot, it was the middle of winter but sometimes Jennie turned up the heat too high and some of the pajamas might be too warm, so she decided to take off his pajama top. Lisa blew a raspberry on his tummy in an attempt to make him laugh, Jun-Woo was startled for a moment and stared at her, almost as if he was trying to understand what she was doing.

Lisa almost laughs at his confused face and she blows another raspberry again, the volume of his crying decreases greatly but he still doesn't seem too happy with her mom trying to tickle him. Lisa stops before bothering him further and she picks him up again, she rubs his back while he rests his head on her shoulder, he still complains but he has stopped crying and that is Lisa's greatest achievement yet

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