Chris Axelson - Marz

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This oc belongs to Marz - TheRadioJunkie


"Smoke 'em if you've got 'em I guess"


Name: Christopher J. Axelson

Nickname(s): Chris, Axel, CJ, Chrissy (Lilith), Christ, Jesus

Age: 23yrs

Birthday: September 23rd, 2005

Zodiac: Libra and Virgo cusp

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Human

Occupation: Bartender

Affiliation: Civilian, hunter resource

Vehicles: Black 1986 Chevy C10 Silverado with thin red stripe and black interior

Living situation: Apartment above the Dead Mike's bar in Webber, Kansas


General Appearance: Dark brown very wavy/curly hair cut into a slight mullet. He has a soft face with rectangular features, a bit muscular, medium warm coloured skin and soft, but dark, warm brown eyes. (image above)

Face Claim: Michael Cimino

Height: 5'8

Weight:145 lbs

Scar(s): A few faint scars on the back of his shoulders from where he had claws digging into him.

Tattoo(s): tramp stamp with a dagger

Piercing(s): ears, eyebrow (right), belly button

Clothes: Well fitting, dark, usually band T-shirts paired with close fitting wide leg, straight or taper out blue or gray jeans and a usually bedazzled or flashy belt. Small ring earings, dangle belly button piercing and an anti-possession bracelet from Lilith. Combat boots, cowboy boots, flip flops, or sneakers.

Weapon(s): Currently average household things, A few pocket knives, one handgun from his Aunt.


Basic Personality: When you'd first meet him, Chris is usually charismatic, high-spirited, excitable and lighthearted with a tendency to be flirtatious and still hold a chill and relaxed energy. He tends to be playful and teasing especially with people he actually knows. He's Extroverted and rides the line between optimistic and realistic in most situations save ones that trigger his usual insecurities. He acts Confident and shows a cool head usually, tending to get sad instead of angry and responding to tension apologetically and timidly. He feels insecure in longer term relationships whether romantic or platonic. He also has self destructive habits socially, he's impulsive and tends to be reckless from time to time. He's a very curious, nosey person, he loves to know all of the gossip and he doesn't read boundaries in conversation well. He can quickly attempt to become comforting and encouraging. He loves to entertain ideas and plans with the intent to follow them through even if others don't plan to. He's open minded and Analytical (books smart), he likes to keep his mind stimulated.

Likes: People, parties, animals (especially farm animals and dogs), games, smoking (has become an addiction), his job, drinks, socializing, flirting, dates, music, guitar, drums, Kesha, Alice in Chains, Nine Inch Nails, Audioslave, Aerosmith, watching sports with friends, horses, reading and research.

Dislikes: Cats (allergic), bugs that swarm or bite/sting, bad drinks, people trying to dig too deep into him, lack of conversation.

Fears: Needles, heights and commitment.

Strengths: Bartending, good aim with guns, decent hand eye coordination.

Weaknesses: Not actually good at using knives apart from kitchen or mundane use, tends to cross social boundaries a lot, not a fast runner


Chris was born in Burr Oak, Kansas to Tim and Jane Axelson who had a small farm outside of town. He was raised in this town for most of his life with his younger sister, Diana. He spent most of his summers with his Aunt Lauretta on her horse ranch in Jewwel, Kansas. He loved to spend time with the farm animals and the horses, especially the babies, wanting to do show riding and at one point rodeo. His parents were Baptist and very religious so he frequently went to church. When he was old enough to go to libraries he spent a lot of time there before hitting high school and balancing that time between reading still, parties, sleepovers, drums, guitar and wrestling.

When he was 16, his Aunt got him his first car and helped him fix it up (the one he still drives). When he was 17, an incident put an end to the close-nit family dynamic he'd had his whole life. That's when Diana accidentally burst into her brother's room when he had a "friend" over. She immediately let their parents know. She had meant it in the usual sibling rivalry, not thinking too hard about the repercussions it had on her brother who allready knew not to tell them he was gay. It severed his family relationships and he moved out a couple months later when he was 18.

He started at a cafe and a nearby apartment. It was at this job that he met Reed, who was 25 at the time. Their relationship started out sweet, but his true colors progressively started to show through, becoming abusive, mostly emotionally and sleeping around with other people frequently. Having already tried to break up with him once, Chris eventually decided to just leave, quiting his job at the cafe and getting a job a few towns over at Dead Mike's where he quickly befriended most of his coworkers and customers as well as the two owners who let him stay in the apartment above the bar with a few conditions. One of those being a no pets rule. He befriended Lilith as she was working undercover on a werewolf case. Reed, however finds him at his new job during the time Lilith is working this case, getting bitten by one of the werewolves. Resulting in Lilith having to kill Reed. He and Lilith have become close friends since then, and Chris has been considering hunting, but isn't yet sure if he wants to. So he sticks to researching in his past time and picking up on more things he hears to pass along to hunters.


Family: Diana Axelson (younger sister, alive), Lauretta Axelson (Aunt dad's side, alive), Jane Axelson (mother, alive), Tim Axelson (father, alive)

Friends: Lilith Lyons

Enemies: TBD

Crush(es): TBD

Pets: N/A


Other: N/A

Abilities: N/A

Playlist: (spotify)

Theme song: N/A

Quotes: N/A

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