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Xiao dragged himself through the muddy alleyway, head whipping back once in a while to check if she had caught up with him. He was filthy, and he knew it. Covered head to toe in dirt and grime, adding to his own blood, sweat and tears.

He choked back a sob as the open wound in his shin came in contact with the ground. He gritted his teeth, ignoring the agonizing pain he was feeling while dragging his limp and broken leg across the floor.

There was no way he was going back home. Xiao knew that. If he did, he would be dead. She would kill him.

At the young age of 10, Xiao had escaped the hell that was called his home, and the devil that is his mother.

The scenes replayed in his head, the iron grip of his mother on his arm, dragging Xiao through the dump of his house, towards the backyard.

The terror in him had accelerated to an all time high as Xiao realized what she was going to do.

His mother was going to bury him alive.

That's when the adrenaline kicked in. A kick in the stomach loosened his mother's grip on him. 

Xiao ran.

All he could think of at that moment was to survive. Xiao chanted that word in his head as he leaped over the broken fence blocking him from the outside world. 

But now the adrenaline was wearing off, Xiao was losing strength, as he now could feel the piercing pain of his injuries.

As Xiao collapsed on the cold, hard ground, all he could think of is how much he wished to die, to be freed from his suffering. 

He's tired, oh so tired.

Just when the world was going black, a golden light filled Xiao's vision.

With all his strength, Xiao looked up to see glowing auburn hair, a kind and... familiar face?

Right before he blacked out, the reincarnated yaksha uttered a single word.



6 years later...

knock knock

Xiao groaned as he sat up in his bed, it was way too early to be getting up on a weekend. But it was too late now, he was already awake. 

knock knock

"Yes?" Xiao asked.

The door opened as Xiao's savior and parental guardian, Morax stepped in. 

"Good morning, Xiao" 

"Good morning, Rex Lapis." 

"There is no need for formalities, Xiao," Morax sighed, "I have told you before, please refer to me as Zhongli."

"I refuse," Xiao stubbornly declared, "It is disrespectful."

Zhongli sighed once again, shaking his head with a smile, "Please come down for breakfast, there is something I must tell you."

After Zhongli had left the room, Xiao quickly threw on some clothes, and cleaned himself up in the bathoom before heading downstairs to the dining room. 

After Xiao escaped his toxic household, Morax had found him in an alleyway, half dead and covered in blood. He had nursed Xiao back to health and reported his mother to the CPS. She was arrested and put in jail. Morax adopted Xiao, and they currently lived together. After being saved once again by the geo archon, Xiao had regained his past memories. And as before, in his past life, Xiao had vowed once again to remain loyal to him no matter what, to repay the debt he owes him for saving his life. 

Zhongli was sitting at the dining table, sipping his cup of tea like any other day. A few bowls of congee and pork buns sat on the table, along with sweet warm soy milk. 

Xiao sat down across from Zhongli and began to eat.

Zhongli lowered his tea cup. "I have found Lumine and Aether."

Xiao's eyes widened in shock, "The twins? They have been reincarnated as well?"

"No," Zhongli smiled, "They survived the Second Cataclysm, and have been traveling across different worlds together once again for the past few centuries."

"Why have they returned to Teyvat?" 

"It appears that they have heard of rumors of reincarnation, and came back to check up on our world." Zhongli replied.

"Anyway," he continued, "they have informed me that a large number of reincarnated vision holders have settled in Liyue Harbor, and have been attending a new school called Teyvat Academy. Aether has found Buer there, with her memories returned. I have been considering to move there to look for our old friends, and perhaps the archons as well." 

Xiao choked on his drink, could it be too much to hope for? Could the person he had been longing for ever since his memories were returned be there?

Zhongli chuckled at Xiao's reaction, but only smiled knowingly, "I have enrolled you in the academy. It is rather prestigious, and has a good reputation, so I think it would be good for you."

Xiao looked up from his breakfast, "When do we leave?"

"Whenever you would like," Zhongli replied.

They left for Liyue Harbor the very next day.


im so sorry for not updating, i was on vacation!! 

i luv u all sm <33

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