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(Before I break out the 2p hetalia headcanons, I wanted to throughly explain what 2pTalia is. Because some people just don't know, and that's fine. Don't judge.)

Anywhom, let's get on with it.

2p is short for second player, with hetalia being the first player. 2pTalia is fan made, so it's kind of hard to pin down facts, but I've managed.

Some people believe that the 2ps are simply opposites of hetalia, but I disagree. I think that the 2ps represent other parts or sides of the country that hetalia failed to mention. They didn't talk about these sides mostly due to confusing personalities, plot lines, and such. But that's what 2pTalia is for.

How about an example?

Let's go with... 2p America, his name is Allen Jones, right? Anyway, Allen us prideful, moody, has a Yankee accent, and has a thug demeanor. He represents the more criminal side of America. With our high murder and crime rates, it makes sense, right? But that's not all. He also pretty much has the mood of a 16 year old teenage girl. Now, let's think. What's the stereotypical American girl? Oh right. Moody, judges other people, cares to much about looks and weight, and have weird vegan eating habits.

Oh wait, that's Allen.

But also, Mr. Yankee represents the misunderstood and different in America. The gays, the weirdos, the emos, etc. And the others show how the world looks apon them, and the new generation. Alfred fails to represent this side of his country.

Although it's unsure to say where these 2ps are, there are a few theories.

1) they're in an alternative universe where hetalia doesn't exist, or they are on the 'other side' and wish to be there with them.

2) They're in the same place that hetalia exist, and they roam around the world, doing their business.

3) The 2ps did exist with hetalia, but the 1ps trapped them somewhere, looping back to #1.

Those are the most popular, I might add some more interesting ones later.

Also, 2pTalia isn't all about blood, so can people shut up about that?

So, now that I've explained this to my best extents, I can finally put some 2pTalia headcanons in this! Yeah!

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