{Chapter 10: The Quest Begins}

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// Sorry i'm a bit late, I was writing late at night then i had to go to bed because i was at a friend's house and there were like 7 other people in there so the clicky clack of my laptop would've annoyed a lot of people. And then I had to rethink the plot (at least what I had of it) and then I had to make reasons for characters not to tag along and then I started looking at gravity falls memes so of course I had to go watch a few episodes of that and just UGH
I can't stay on track for 1 d a y.

then i got distracted and forgot about this, i'm a pain lol //

The Brotherhood stood at the entrance of the Sadida Castle. Despite the somberness everyone felt, the skies were clear and a nice breeze blew through the area. It was almost like they were going on one of their old adventures from all those years ago, almost.

"Chibi were you able to get any information from Yugo?" Adamai asked.

"Not much just something about a spire? And a place he called 'the white sea.' But I couldn't find it on any map." Chibi replied tugging on the strap of his side bag, "Before you go I have an idea."

"What's that?" Amalia asked.

"Take Yugo with you."

"What? Why?" Adamai asked.

"Because if you want to leave now you need to take him with you. We don't have enough information for you to go off into the wilderness to find that man and I'm doubting we ever will, especially not if you leave him here."

"The kid's got a point." Ruel replied from the back of the group.

"Fine. I'll go get him. You," Adamai pointed at Chibi, "You go tell the Sadida King because this was your idea."

Chibi nodded and followed Adamai back inside the Castle.

"What do you think is gonna happen?" Eva asked Amalia.

"I honestly don't know, I just wanna find Qilby and make him answer for what he did. Do you have any idea how he got back?"

"Not in the sightless, none of us were even there when Yugo trapped him in that white void."

The others stood around and talked for a while longer until the two came back out, practically dragging a cuffed Yugo behind them. He looked the same as he did last time, pale and scowling, his blue hat awkwardly lopsided on his head.

"I think Ruel, Adami, and I should stay here in case anything bad happens while you're all away." Eva said. The others agreed this was a better plan than their original (though Adamai didn't like the idea of not being able to help) and said their goodbyes.

"See you soon, Mama. And don't worry, I'll keep Daddy out of trouble." Eleli said with a grin.

Eva smiled, "You make sure of that."

"Hey! Don't forget your talking about the great warrior, Sir Percidal!" Dally came up from behind her and picked up her from around the waist, spinning her around. Eleli squealed and laughed.

"Yeah and don't forget I'm gonna be twice the warrior you were!" She declared as he put her back down.

"Stay save out trouble." Ruel told Amalia.

"I'll try." She laughed.

Amalia looked of her shoulder at the supposed-Yugo. He said nothing throughout the entire time he'd been out here. She knew she probably shouldn't be but she was worried.

And with a few more words of goodbye, Amalia, Eleli, Dally, and their not-so-happy guide left on their quest for the man who'd made this whole situation happen, leaving the others behind.

// this was longer but i couldn't think of what to do for the first piece of their adventure, if you have an idea please tell me.

I need to make like, drawings of their, designs for this book because no, they're not just the same designs as seasons 2 or 3. Actually Amalia's slight design change was a mistake in me not knowing how to draw her outfit correctly, not realizing, and then rolling with it. Also yes, Chibi has one of those messenger bag things, it's a fanfic I do what I want. //

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