Unveiling The past

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Your past mistake can really mess you up. Either you dwell on it and let them control you, or you toughen up and realize life is just a big mess. It's like you're stuck in quicksand, sinking deeper with every memory. It's a tough battle, but you gotta fight it!

Chandra strolled down the corridor, following the herd of students like a lost sheep. Suddenly, she came face to face with this dark lady – and I mean dark in every sense of the word. Her hair was pulled back so tight it looked like she was trying to give herself a facelift. And don't get me started on her height – she could probably play in the NBA! The lady opened her mouth, and out came the words, "Welcome to darkwood."

"Ugh, could this day get any worse?"

" I'm Miss Ethel van Doehren, and let me tell you, this school isn't your average one. It's all about unlocking your true potential and discovering your real self. Now, let's face it, most folks out there aren't as lucky as you to have these opportunities handed to them on a silver platter. Somehow, you got picked for something bigger, and we're here to guide you towards it. It's all about embracing your uniqueness and figuring out your true calling."

Chandra was all ears as the lady went on about being "privileged." Seriously, kidnapped, dragged to a creepy forest, and now being told she might have powers she needs to figure out at some academy to possibly take down some mystery enemy she can't even remember? What a wild ride! If that's what being "privileged" means, then count me out.

can you believe it? I have to go to a high school! It's absolutely ridiculous. I mean, come on, I'm a grown adult, not a kid. And now, on top of that, I have these powers but no clue how to use them. It's just frustrating beyond belief.

Chandra found herself in a dilemma. She felt frustrated and belittled, not wanting to be treated like a child. Doubts crept in, making her uneasy about the situation. Despite Maya, Olivia, and Ethan's confidence in her abilities to confront Drake and keep everyone safe, she couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe it was all a mistake. The question lingered in her mind, "Why do I even need to be at this school?"

Maya found herself next to her, bewildered. "What's the point of being at this high school if I'm supposed to face Drake?" Maya interrupted, "What you fail to see is that no one here sees you as a child. There are skilled individuals who understand magic, assist vampires, guide witches, and aid demons. They're here to offer guidance, not to baby you."

Chandra began to feel super uneasy and hungry, like she needed to eat ASAP. She hadn't eaten yet and was practically starving. "Maya, i think...." "i know what you mean, i think you need to eat. Don't worry, the school has this covered. They usually have places where vampires go to feed." "Maya, im not a vampire.! Wtf?" Are you crazy! "Chandra, the clue is in the fact, you have bright red eyes, porcelain skin, and your throat feels like it's about to be ripped out." Am i right?

Chandra was in a real bind, Maya could totally see it! Her hunger was off the charts, like seriously, she needed a snack ASAP. But uh-oh, Chandra was feeling the pressure, unsure if she could dash to the room in time. The struggle was real, with people all around her, their veins practically screaming at her. Yikes! It was like a horror movie. And then, boom! She spotted a fellow student and went for it, like a boss, pinning him down in no time. Talk about quick reflexes!

Chandra felt the blood, pulsing through her. She couldn't believe it, how in the world was she a vampire, she couldn't understand it. The hunger was too much. She needed blood. Her body needed it. It was like it was controlled by impulse or instinct. It felt good, but at the same time, it was scary. Chandra was very engulfed in the flashes of memories that came to her. Maya brought her back to reality,
"Chandra, let him go. You will drain him."

Maya was shocked by what was going on she didn't know how to react to the situation. A look of concern and shock on her face. Chandra retracted her teeth and pulled away, just in time to not fully drain the student. She ran...

Chandra was beyond horrified, the poor student she had almost drained. Maybe she needed help, psychological help, maybe she needed her head banging against a brick wall she nearly killled him.
Footsteps seemed to approach her from a distance.... it was mrs. Ethel.
" Chandra, i just want to say im very proud of you....

i know all that you've come from and all that you have suffered, i know that you have a great deal of unanswered questions, i also know your being very hard on yourself you nearly killed a student yes, but you also gain a  clearer rwality on what you are. Sometimes, seeing is believing. "

You didn't believe you were a vampire. You didn't want to believe until it was shown to you.
Take it as a learning curve. You didn't kill anyone. The student will be just fine, a little dazed, and a little blood put into him he will be okay. "

Mrs. Ethel  dragged poor Chandra to her room.
"This is your safe haven, Chandra. Don't you dare step out of this school. There are dangers out there, and Drake is just the tip of the iceberg. Seriously, stay put for your own good. I mean, come on, Chandra, don't be a hero and risk it all. It's like a horror movie waiting to happen. Stay inside, trust me........

Chandra was totally lost in this crazy situation. Mrs. Etherl was acting like she was five years old, not letting her step outside the school gates. Seriously, talk about overprotective! Now poor Chandra was stuck trying to deal with this mess all by herself. And to top it off, she's worried she might be morphing into a blood-sucking vampire without even realizing it.
Like, what the heck else could go wrong in her life right now?

It's like a bad soap opera, but without the drama. Just a big ol' mess.

Chandra, hopped into bed, hoping for a fresh start the next day. But as she closed her eyes, a nightmare engulfed her - dark, smoky, and filled with eerie calls of her name. Fear crept in as she imagined the worst - a creep, a maniac, or even a murderer lurking in the darkness.

Turns out, it wasn't a horror movie villain haunting her, but her own so-called friends. Yes, you heard that right - the same pals who abandoned her in a shady alley outside the club. Betrayal at its finest, folks.

Imagine trusting your squad only to find yourself stranded in a sketchy place. It's like a plot twist in a bad teen drama, except this time, it's real life. Chandra's experience serves as a cautionary tale - watch your back, 'cause even your closest buddies might just leave you hanging when things get rough.

Chandra found herself in a surreal situation. It was like she was witnessing a nightmare unfold before her eyes. She saw her friends, Shannon and Ethan, in distress, but she was helpless to intervene. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming as she realized they couldn't hear her calls for help. It was a disturbing and perplexing experience.

As the scenes played out in front of her, Chandra couldn't shake off the shock and disbelief. The realization that her friends were not only in danger but also beyond her reach hit her hard. She had believed they had abandoned her, but now she understood the grim truth - they were already gone. The sense of betrayal and loss weighed heavily on her as she grappled with the harsh reality of their fate.

The whole situation left Chandra feeling unsettled and haunted by the events she witnessed. The feeling of being trapped in a nightmarish scenario where she couldn't save her friends lingered in her mind. It was a chilling reminder of the fragility of life and the cruel twists of fate that can leave one feeling isolated and abandoned.

The dark figure turned to face her, which was strange because she thought she was invisible to everyone, even her friends couldn't see her. "Come and get me," it said before vanishing.....
To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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