3: "Me or her?"

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More like another part of The Prince and The Royal Guard or the same roles, another universe.

Beomgyu teared up, his eyes turning glossy and filled with tears as the warm liquid flowed down his cheeks silently when it no longer can be carried. Beomgyu noticed as he didn't bother wiping it off, letting it stream down his cheeks before a fake smile placed on his lips once again. "Our memories together are still fresh in my head," He chuckled, finally wiping the tears off his cheeks. "It feels unfair that I'm the only one who remembers it."

Taehyun could see the tears falling from Beomgyu's eyes, and his heart ached. He knew he had to be careful not to push him further away. He gently wiped the tears from his face before speaking. "I remember too, Your Highness."

"You don't, Taehyun-ah." Beomgyu sobs quietly, looking at Taehyun with full of agony and sorrow. "You don't remember the times we danced at the ball room, the blue dress you picked for me." Beomgyu looks away, closing his eyes as he let the tears fall off.

Taehyun's heart sank at the mention of the blue dress. He knew it well, having helped Beomgyu pick it out for one of their many balls together. He reached out gently and brushed a tear from his cheek. "I remember, Your Highness."

"Then tell me," Beomgyu opened his eyes, looking at Taehyun as tears streamed down his cheeks endlessly. "What happened after reaching out for my father to look for approval of our relationship, huh?" He asked.

Taehyun swallowed hard, knowing how painful this topic was for Beomgyu. He gathered his courage and spoke. "Your father refused the suit, Your Highness. He told me that our positions were too different and that it wouldn't be approved."

"That's.. not all." Beomgyu mumbled under his breath, his eyebrows slightly knitted at the correct answer. "What more?"

Taehyun closed his eyes, reliving the memory he had tried so hard to forget. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Your father... ordered me to end our relationship." Taehyun said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I didn't allow it." Beomgyu looked away, looking at his hands, memories flooding onto his head. "He let you stab me in the heart."

Taehyun's heart clenched at the mention of Beomgyu being stabbed in the heart. He knew how deeply their love had run and how much it still meant to him. "Your Highness, I couldn't do that. I... I refused."

"Yes, I knew you refused," Beomgyu leaned closer to Taehyun, his eyes never leaving his. "Yet, you still manage to stab me for the kingdom."

Taehyun's eyes widened at Beomgyu's words, but he knew they were true. He had to make a choice between his love and his duty. "I would do anything for the kingdom, Your Highness. But I will never stop loving you."

"You love that woman more than me." Beomgyu whispered, tears falling again as he stopped leaning closer yet he stayed still. Looking at Taehyun as if he was betrayed.

Taehyun's heart ached at the thought of Beomgyu feeling betrayed. He reached out to wipe away the tears, his hand trembling slightly. "I would never choose anyone over you, Your Highness. But my duty as a royal guard comes first."

Beomgyu pulled away, not letting Taehyun wipe his tears that was on his cheeks. "Lies." He said simply. Taehyun's heart broke at the pain in Beomgyu's voice. "I swear on my life that it is not a lie, Your Highness. I will always love you, but I cannot turn my back on my duty."

"Don't say that you love me," Beomgyu hang his head low, looking at his trembling hands. "You never did. If you loved me, you wouldn't choose me over her." Beomgyu cried softly yet painfully.

Taehyun's heart was torn between his love for Beomgyu and his loyalty to the kingdom. He knew he couldn't give up his duty, but he also couldn't bear to see Beomgyu so upset. "I do love you, Your Highness."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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