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I usually enjoyed spending time with Arlo back when I first moved to Oakwood

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I usually enjoyed spending time with Arlo back when I first moved to Oakwood. He was different from the other people I was used to being surrounded by: he was lively and didn't care about the fact that he didn't fit into the typical stereotype of how an omega should behave. Our conversations flowed easily and I genuinely did enjoy hanging out with him.

As I stared down at the omega now, all the usual ease that came with talking to him was replaced with awkwardness. We hadn't really talked since we split up which was why I was surprised to see him standing on my porch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

He glanced around. "I um..." he held the box in his hand outward. "This is all yours. I never got the chance to give it to you."

I took the box and inside I saw an assortment of items he'd borrowed or I had left over at his house ranging from hoodies to random figurines we had won at a cheap claw machine hidden in a small store in town. A wave of nostalgia fell over me as I allowed these memories to replay in my mind. It was only when Arlo let out a small cough that I remembered he was still standing there.

"Was there something else you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"Do you mind if I come in for a minute?" He questioned.

My immediate thought was to say no. I didn't know what exactly the relationship between him and Fen was and I didn't want to know, but I could tell from the expression on his face that whatever he wanted to talk about likely wasn't suited to be an outside conversation where we could potentially be overheard.

"Sure," I reluctantly agreed. I'd just need to keep him away from Fen's bedroom which would be easy enough.

I moved out of the way and Arlo stepped inside. I closed the door and followed him to the couch where he awkwardly took a seat while I sat the box he handed me down on the ground.

"How have you been?" I asked.

Arlo shrugged. "Same as always, I guess. I've just been trying to get used to Reuben not being here anymore." I nodded my head in understanding. They were close so it made sense that he was missing Reuben. Arlo stared at me and asked, "What about you?"

I leaned back into the sofa. "Just trying to get through one day at a time."

He nodded. "Callie told me your life's been a little chaotic right now."

So that's what this was about. A small smile spread across my face. "Did she put you up to this?"

It made sense. It wasn't like Arlo to stop by and visit me out of the blue and judging by the way his face heated up, I was right.

"It wasn't just her. I heard life's been a lot right now and figured I'd stop by."

That was the understatement of the century. My life was a mess right now and it seemed to be constantly alternating between getting better and getting worse. All in all, it was the last thing I wanted to talk about right now, so instead I said, "I heard you met your mate."

Arlo blinked a few times and then a small smile formed on his face. "Yeah, I have."

"I'm glad. Nobody deserves that more than you," I admitted and his eyes met mine.

My mind traveled back to the day he came into my apartment a nervous wreck, telling me he wanted more. He told me how he wanted to be official and desired more than the frequent sexual encounters we were having at the time. He wanted a relationship—something I couldn't give him at the time.

"Thanks," he said, looking down at his hands. "It's been...nice, you know? Having someone who wants the same things I do."

"I'm happy for you," I said sincerely. "You deserve that."

He glanced up at me, his eyes softening. "What about you?"

I opened my mouth, prepared to throw out some excuse about how I was taking my time, but as if he was trying to get caught, the sound of Fen moving around echoed through the quiet house.

Arlo's eyes flickered briefly before returning to me. "Should I ask about that?"

"No you should not," I replied instantly.

Arlo laughed and it was a genuine one. I had missed hearing that sound. Despite the awkwardness between us now, it was comforting to know that some things hadn't changed.

"Fair enough," Arlo said, still smiling. "I won't pry."

"Thanks," I told him. "For the box also."

"It's no problem. I should get going, but maybe...maybe we could meet up again? As friends."

"Yeah, as friends," I repeated with a nod. "I'll text you sometime."

"I'll hold you to that," he teased and stood to make his way to the door. I followed behind him and he gave me one last wave as he left.

I watched him leave for a few moments before shutting the door and making my way back toward the box. I dug around inside, setting all the borrowed hoodies and shirts I'd accidentally forgotten on the arm of the couch so I could see everything else. There were a few photos from my first few nights in Oakwood when he and Callie took me around town, a cheap keychain that had originally belonged to a trio Arlo had drunkenly purchased so we could all match, and nuzzled in the corner at the very bottom was a snow globe I'd gotten him for his birthday.

As I held the snow globe, memories of that birthday came flooding back. It was a simple gift, but Arlo had loved it, shaking it vigorously to watch the snowflakes swirl around the tiny woodland scene inside. I turned it over in my hands, watching the glitter settle, and a bittersweet feeling enveloped me.

"It's safe to come out now, right?" I heard Fen call out, not that it mattered since he rounded the corner a few seconds later before I could respond. "What is all this?"

His eyes scanned over the scattered mess I had made and I shook my head as I placed everything back into the box. "It's nothing."

His eyes settled on the clothing which undoubtedly smelled like Arlo more than me at this point. "It doesn't look like nothing."

I could hear it; the jealousy beginning to form in his voice. I stood from my spot, but his eyes only flashed to mine briefly before returning to the box. After a moment of hesitation, I placed my arm on his shoulder, and the sparks from before which I had forgotten about jolted through my body. That was enough to force his eyes away from the box and to settle on me.

"Fen, It's nothing," I repeated.

He didn't reply. His eyes kept darting between my hand and eyes in surprise. I couldn't blame him though. I had made it a point to keep him from touching me and now I was the one breaking the unspoken rule we had in place. It was different when he was drunk or when we were running around through the woods, but there was nothing like that taking place this time.

Once he seemed to calm down, I took a step back, picked up the box, and headed toward my room, leaving him standing there.

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