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With a fine & sharp edge,

It shines in the dark.

Long of talks of its glory,

But it was all in the past.

For now, it is a polished sword.

That has no red to show!

Its tales now long forgotten...

Hem of it turned into a white dove.

The tales of its glory,

They remain covered,

Under its rusted blows..

Hence, the rebel from

Young lads with boiling blood.

They think they got it all

But, only if they knew,

Of the latter's past....

For it bloomed red,

In the enemies' heart.

As it was veiled in a firey glow,

Be it in the weapon Smith's hands,

Or on the battlefield

As it delivered its final blows....

For it is a glorious nation,

And will Always be glorious,

Though it has turned from

A blooming red rose

Into a Daisy that matches
the snow.

Filled with relentless riches,

It glitters with all its remarks.

Brave were its people.

And brave were the soldiers

It once ward.

For only under the righteous

Did a mighty nation prosper,

And forged a justice

For the mighty blow of the sword.



Hey guys ✨

What's up! y'all!✨

Can u guess that I am really! Really! Happy 😊 today.

Or let's say tonight✨

Can u guess why?

I am sure all my fellow scholars can relate!

Cause the holidays have started ✨✨✨.

I am so happy 🐢

Anyways, thx so much for reading
And credits to my gal,

ariia_50 thx for the topic "a violent nation turned peaceful"

Ily you all.❤️♥️

And don't forget to vote! And comment!

Bue bue♥️❤️

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