Chapter 13 - Near Death Experience

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-Hey, asked Agni with his hands on his knees... Any update on his location?

Shayde looked left and right, one hand over her eyes to protect herself from the rays of twilight. She could only see rocks, big rocks and bigger rocks... but no sign from the human.

-I'm almost there, she said without looking back on the whole group. Just gotta check a little further...

Ami and her friends tried to scan their surroundings, but to no avail. Some of them even started to think she took them to the middle of nowhere on purpose. Suddenly, Shayde shouted loud and clear:

-Hey ! I think I got him!

-Oh finally, said the group unanimously.

-No wait... I feel him the other way around.

-What the hell, Harris burst out... You've got to be kidding me ! If you're as good at your magic as you've been telling us for the last hour, can you explain to me why Kataklysm would be here ? Where's your goddamn explanation?

-I guarantee we're right on him, within 5 meters. So my theory is that he's probably on another level.

-Another level ? asked Deva uncertainty. Like... He's underground?

-It's possible. Or he could be in the air, but humans don't fly-

Shayde was interrupted by a body falling at full speed and landing a few meters in front of her. Surprised, she fell to the ground cursing. The rest of the group too was shocked by this unexpected event, but Lanney was the first one to comment on Shayde's words.

-Well... They don't fly for sure, but she can, she said while pointing at Gwain.

Indeed, the group noticed the Queen slowly losing altitude, carrying Marlow by the same time. While dropping the green-haired girl, she herself landed in a certain grace. She looked at the human for a few seconds and turned her attention to the rest of the group.

-Well, I see you're here. Have you been here long?

-Nuh uh ! replied Ami in positive disapproval.

-We've only just arrived, said Oralie.

The Queen took a deep breath and crossed her arms, looking into the void.

-Very well, but I'd like to ask a few questions to get all sides of the story. It's not all that, but I don't trust these scouts enough...

The group began to describe the events in chronological order since Marlow's appearance. As for Ami, she secretly went around Gwain and approached Kataklysm. She applied a few magic treatments, noting that he'd taken a nasty beating. The human, feeling his wounds close, began to emerge from the world of empty dreams.

-... Des patates (Potatoes)...

-Hmm? asked Ami, startled.

-... Des frites sur la poêle, avec un peu de sauce pour... (Fries on the stove, with a little sauce for...) Whoa, wait.

The human widened his eyes, watching Ami's invigorated face. She seemed relieved to see him still in one piece. As for him, his ears were half clogged, and he could hear conversations to his left.

-Wait, I'm getting up...

Letting out a plain of pain, he finally stood up and noticed the students and their Queen chatting. Then it all came back to him : the chase, the machine, the dragon, the ascent, the pain... He noticed that Marlow, in the middle of the group, was watching him with eyes both guilty and puzzled. When she met his gaze, she turned her attention to the Queen, who in turn turned her attention to him.

Broken, yet still robust (Gwain Saga X OC) -ONGOING-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora