Trust me

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"It's complicated..." Tess left it as just that whilst narrowing her eyes towards the horizon.

No part of it was a lie, she just didn't have the desire nor emotional energy to divulge into it any further, especially to someone who she was still learning to trust. Besides, what more was there to even say on the subject? Yes, she loved someone who didn't seem to hold the capability to love her back - no matter how much she had tried over the years. She didn't mind too much- not anymore at least. In the almost two decades she had known him, there had never been any signs or evidence that there had been anyone else but her. Their codependency on one another, that had to count for something, right? There had to be something mutual between them... That notion being the only tangible thing keeping her sane over the years spent with him.

She chanced a glance over towards Becky, she could see in her eyes the abundance of unasked questions that lie just behind the tip of her tongue. Some relating to the man that they were seemingly trailing along after, some about the journey they were about to embark on together and more. Tess couldn't find it in her to answer any of them, not at this moment. She was sure that the other woman was still looking for answers on who this mysterious 'Ellie' was.

She'd have to give a story at some point, not quite decided on whether or not to give the truth or spin some sort of web around it. Relative to a firefly or something could work? But then again, Becky already knew about her own miraculous recovery from the cordyceps infection, what was the difference in telling the truth?

It was almost hilarious at how Tess found her life spiralling out of control within the last couple of days. She didn't like it, not having the upper hand. Everything seemed so... so unpredictable. Whilst her life in Boston was pretty dire in the grand scheme of things, she knew exactly what to expect most of the time and how to manage it. Now? This? All of this was uncharted- almost comparable to how she felt two decades ago on outbreak day. Immunities? Miraculous recoveries from what was still considered an automatic death sentence? Bill and Franks unexpected demise? Being separated from her partner of seventeen years? Having to put a level of faith into a person that had been no more than a mere acquaintance? It was all so much... She had always considered herself to be adaptable, assuming it to be the only reason she was still alive thus far but she wasn't twenty six anymore and with each passing year she found herself less and less receptive to change. There had been a hell of a lot of change in the last few days... but she'd be damned if she didn't try to adjust once more.

Becky remained one step behind, map in hand as she allowed Tess to lead the way. Wyoming was a long ol' jaunt at the best of times, let alone on foot. She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel any apprehension. She wasn't naive to the world around her, she had scavenged and smuggled for as long as she could remember. She'd seen what was out there- seen what was lurking in the derelict buildings and abandoned shadows of Boston alone...

She knew that Tess was capable of many things, she'd heard the stories. The woman was ruthless and effective in how she dealt with her run ins but she always had her back up on hand... and he wasn't here. How capable and proficient could one woman be in all of this unfamiliar open country? Yet she seemed unphased- completely unbothered whilst Becky found herself already feeling like easy prey for the likes of not just infected but... men.

The lingering concern alone was enough to keep the younger of the two quiet. She had many a question at this point in time but the washed out avoidant expression on her counterparts face as she steamed on ahead was a clear indication that now wasn't the time.

The pair walked for miles, only exchanging the very necessary words between them. Usually Tess with a question regarding the map and Becky responding with a careful directness as to not agitate the woman further. The more she kept her thoughts to herself, the more she felt empathy towards Tess... How her life had seemingly turned upside down in such a short frame of time. There was only so many times a person could lose everything and start over. Even though Becky had managed to sneak the woman back into the quarantine zone initially for that small amount of time, she knew that it couldn't be permanent. Tess was a known name amongst the officers and although she seemed to have enough leverage over them to avoid a public hanging (if Tess and Joel get hung then their supply of oxy and other pills would soon run dry) it didn't make her immune to being thrown into lock up to keep up appearances. It would have only been a matter of time before the older woman would have been restrained and strip searched as per the usual process and the red marbled skin surrounding the deep indentations visible on her clavicle would be an immediate death sentence with no further questions asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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