Chapter 6 - Divulge

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Ever since that night, Shinyu and his friends had turned back to the pace anyone would've found more reasonable. A stride where each side focused on expanding their knowledge of one another, rather than blindly falling into the pit of love. Sure, they may be whipped, but they had yet to lose their conscience, at least for now.

Reality speaking, Jeonghan had put his suspicion on Shinyu ever since their first encounter. And it only grew heavier after finding out the boy had gone back home yesterday in a condition Seungcheol and Soonyoung described as abnormal. Though based on how his friends interpreted, Shinyu doesn't seem to be the one causing any possible danger, but could be the one who's receiving it instead. So far still, all Shinyu's behavior being disclosed within less than a week is enough to have everyone distancing themselves, if, they could resist the pull.

As much as Jeonghan wishes to sympathize with their new friend, even if he could, it will undoubtedly come after his loyalty to his childhood friends. The primary reason is obviously Shinyu being the most recent addition to their close-knit group, and the second reason is the risk of jeopardizing the years of progress he has collectively forged.


Seungcheol and Soonyoung is never a patient person to begin with. The difference lies between their ages, where one has the authority over the other. While Seungcheol may display less aggression, he is recognized for his determination to go to any lengths to achieve what he desires. Meanwhile, Soonyoung is known for his straightforward approach to pursuing what he wants, often taking routes that are unexpectedly bold and surprising to others.

The two being the one who've seen Shinyu with their own eyes, could not easily dismiss what they had witnessed. They were determined to seek answers. Indeed, everyone in the group felt the same way; they all craved clarity. But they recognized doing any rash or reckless actions on their part could lead to undesirable outcomes, potentially  driving a wedge between them that might irreparably harm their friendship. The need for caution was clear, as they understood that impulsive decisions could only serve to create further distances within Shinyu and them.

Jeonghan had not only warned them but everyone to act decisively, refraining from asking anything that could potentially cause Shinyu to be uncomfortable. Seungcheol and Soonyoung did not like the idea as expected, but knew better than to act otherwise. After all, Jeonghan has been known to be a master at reading others' emotions, capable of anticipating their needs and reactions with uncanny accuracy. The person who may be the most mischief, but has always been a problem solver to the group's problem.

After the group discussion, Seungcheol couldn't get his night's sleep any how, staying awake up until the next morning. In moments such as these, an insistent voice would urge him to flee, plunging into an abyss where time seemed to extend indefinitely, allowing him to postpone concerns of the external world until later. Yet it's his first to instead yearn for something he misses, the same person who caused him sleepless that day. Maybe because it's also the first person to make him feel this way, this desperate for attention.

And here Seungcheol is, standing in front of Shinyu's room, still wearing the same clothes yesterday, clearly out of shape. He had to stand another hour of Jeonghan's lecture just to reach here, going through promises after promises to behave himself. Just as his hand hazily reached out for the doorknob, the door swung open from the opposite side, causing Seungcheol to stumble forward.

It all unfolded too quick when Seungcheol suddenly found himself on the ground with Shinyu underneath him, Shinyu's head cradled in his palm. Instinctively, Seungcheol had caught Shinyu's head before it could strike the floor, and in the process, their legs had become entwined.

The moment of silence only with the breathing and widened eyes shook their conscious back, faltering their gazes down and standing back up.

"Are you..hurt..?" Seungcheol did not forget his priority, though internally heating up from the apparent reckless incident.

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