Fallen angels | Dave/james ⚠️🩸🦴⚠️

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                      [no art available at this time]


"You know why you're here right..?" The head angel said.

"No.." Dave replied a bit snarky.
"You are being sent to hell.."
"What why?!"
"Because you were too violent on earth. And killed a man.."
"It was an accident! Can't we make an excuse for an accident?!"

"No we can't! I'm sorry"

"That's also why!"
"The swearing Dave, the unholiness!"

Dave got sent down and woke up on the street from the fall, he woke up near a highschool.

"I guess this is where I'm going now..."

A blonde wavy  haired guy with purple  eyes looked over and walked up.

"Why do you have a halo..? And angel wings.. you're not from hell are you?"
"No.. I'm from heaven.. who are you?"
"I'm James." The boy smiled.

Dave smiled back and shook James hand.
"I'm David.. but most people just call me Dave."
"Nice to meet you!" James walked away and Dave felt a sharp pain in his head and lower back

"agh the fuck?!"

Horns slowly grew out of his head stabbing through his head and a tail grew from his back, the horns causing Dave pain. As his pupils turned to X's in each eye making Dave dizzy, he sat down and felt his bleeding head. He felt sick and ill, he just lied down on the ground and fell asleep..

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