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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: this is the chapter where everything interesting finally happens! ah, i was so excited to have the chance to finally post this!

at any rate, i hope you all enjoy!

at any rate, i hope you all enjoy!

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that night, y/n couldn't sleep. she tossed and turned in bed, but no matter what she did, her mind always returned to the same thing—with thoughts of the script she had read earlier. her best efforts to push it to the back of her mind and just forget about it, it continued to gnaw at her consciousness, refusing to let her slip into the peaceful embrace of sleep.

beside her, taeko lay sound asleep, her soft breathing a stark contrast to y/n's restless state. with a sigh of frustration, the h/c-haired girl decided to try and clear her mind by getting a glass of water. she might as well, right?

carefully and quietly, she slipped out of bed, tiptoeing across the room so as not to disturb her slumbering friend.

as she made her way downstairs, the floorboards creaked softly beneath her feet, the only sound in the stillness of the night. y/n then moved around the kitchen and successfully got herself a small cup of water without making too much noise. now, she was making her way back upstairs but as she crossed the threshold into the living room, she froze in her tracks at the sound of high-pitched laughter echoing through the darkness.

her heart skipped a beat, unease prickling at the back of her neck.

for a moment, y/n stood there, paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. she strained her ears, trying to pinpoint the source of the laughter, but it seemed to come from all around her, a haunting chorus that sent shivers down her spine. taking a deep breath to steady herself, y/n forced herself to move forward, determined to investigate the strange sound. as she glanced around the dimly lit room, her eyes fell upon the script lying abandoned on the floor.

"that's funny..." y/n commented softly to herself, frowning in confusion. "that's not where i left you..." she took a swig of water from her glass, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat before setting it onto the table closest to her. she then reached out to pick up the script, her fingers brushing against the cold, smooth surface as she picked it up from the ground.

with a shrug, she reasoned that her parents must have come in earlier and accidentally pushed it off the table, but hadn't bothered to pick it up. deciding it was best to put the script back in taeko's bag, she made her way into the main area of the house where her friend's bags remained at the bottom of the stairs.

however, just as she was about to unzip the closest bag and slip the script inside, a sudden clash behind y/n startled her so badly that she shot upright, the script still clutched in her hand. whipping around, she saw her cup of water had somehow fallen off the table, leaving the carpet soaked.

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