The Breeding Center

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Kleo held her sister's hand as they were escorted to their new room, hating her father. She couldn't believe where she was...what she would be forced to do. Their father gambled all their earnings away and had no choice but to sell them to a breeding center to pay off his debts. They could hear moaning through a lot of rooms as a nurse led them through the hallway. 

"How many girls are there?" Aria asked, hearing a pained scream. 

"Four hundred currently. Each girl is partnered with another. It makes pregnancy and birth easier if the mother has a friend. Happy moms mean happy babies from a happy pregnancy. The babies stay with the mom for a week to get colostrum. Then you will be taken to the postpartum suite to recover and to pump. Your milk will be distributed to mothers who are not able to breastfeed or to the families that adopt your babies." 

"This is fucking insane," Kleo muttered, hearing another woman give a great war cry, flinching. 

"At least Daddy didn't sell us to sex slavery," Aria grinned. "And we get to help people have babies!" 

"What's the difference?" Kleo asked. 

"We have many sperm donors. We artificially inseminate. We track your ovulation and when it's your peak time, we insert the sperm into your womb. You will be on bed rest for a week as we repeat the process every day. With many babies being born, we don't have the staff to attend every birth. If an emergency comes up, just push the red button in your room and help will be there. After the baby is born, press the green button to alert us. Each room comes with fresh towels, housekeeping, and three hot meals all centered on pregnancy and postpartum." 

Kleo still hated it. As they settled into their room, Kleo dreaded when it was her time. They each had to undergo blood work and internal exams. They had to go through one period to track their ovulation and menstrual cycles. Aria was the first one to be chosen out of the two of them. She was led to a medical room where she was instructed to lie on her back, her legs parted. She squirmed as she felt a syringe full of warm semen enter her lady parts and squirt inside her. She was forced to lay on her back at an angle with her legs up. 

A month later, Aria felt nauseous, and tired, and had sore breasts and nipples. After taking a provided pregnancy test at one of her appointments, she was confirmed that she had successfully been bred with twins. Three months later, it was Kleo's turn. It seemed multiples were in their genetics because Kleo became pregnant with triplets. 

Aria and Kleo had two different pregnancies. Being farther along, Aria had an easy pregnancy. Kleo's was hell. She was constantly dizzy, having to sit down and drink plenty of water to prevent passing out. Her boobs were huge and always sore to the point where she chose not to wear bras. All three babies liked to kick her constantly. She was much bigger than Aria. Aria's babies were measuring normal for her size and twins, while Aria's were bigger. 

"Kleo..." came a whisper. "Kleo!" 

"What?" Kleo groaned, seeing Aria standing in front of her bed. Aria's cute pregnant belly was between her hands as water dripped onto the floor from between her legs. Her bedsheets were wet and so was her night gown. 

"My water just broke!" Aria grinned, rubbing her belly. 

"Are you okay?!" Kleo asked, sitting up the best she could. 

"Yeah...My back has been kinda achy, but I really haven't had a real contraction yet. Just one when my water broke. It felt like a bad period cramp. I'm just gonna walk around for a bit to see if I can encourage them along." 

"Okay..." Kleo nodded, grunting as she stood up. "Let me help you...Ouch..." Kleo rubbed her own beach ball belly, glaring at her triplets as one of them kicked right into her ribs. Kleo blinked rapidly as she tried to get the dizziness to stop before hoisting herself up and taking Aria's hand. 

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