Chapter 23

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I exited the store. I had gotten all the supplies I needed. I walked to the old shack. It was 20 minutes away by foot.

The old shack was a small tool shed hidden in the woods not too far from my home. It used to belong to my grandfather. Sadly he passed away 10 years ago. He gave it to me in his will.

As I approached the shack I opened the door and put all the stuff down. I made sure to lock the door behind me and began changing into the new clothes.

I was gonna wear a ski mask, a black hoodie and black sweatpants. I also put on my sunglasses and some black latex gloves. I took off my shoes and put on the new black trainers I just got.

I was gonna kill Waseem and Layla tonight.

I put the black spray paint into my pockets. In my other pocket was a knife I had just bought.

I got out the shack and locked the door behind me. 


"What are you doing here?" Asked Waseem. "I'm here to tell you something about Sohayb." I calmly responded.
"Come inside." He said. I entered his home and sat down on his couch.

"That Sohayb kid is nothing more than a menace." He said as he sat across from me on the other couch. "Ironic" I muttered under my breath.

"Where is Layla?" I asked. "The bitch is sleeping." He said aggressively. "Why are you asking anyways?"

"I need to speak to her as well." I said getting up.

"Then go to the bedroom and wake her up yourself." He huffed.

"Have you two been fighting?" I asked.

"She cheated on me. She ruined my pride and honour!" He began yelling.
"Then kill her." I said. "Or let me do it for you." I continued.

He walked towards me. He held out his hand. I shook it.
"You have a deal." He said lowering his voice. "Go cover her mouth with this cloth while I take care of the rest." I quietly said.

"Whats going on?"

Waseem and I both turned around. Layla was standing in the door way. "There you are." Waseem said sweetly. I looked at him. He slightly nodded. He was deceiving her.

"Zip it ya kalb, don't you dare try to act nice after everything that happened yesterday." She yelled. "You cheated on me! Now you're playing victim?" He yelled back frustrated.  Took out the cloth and threw it at Waseem.
He picked it up and understood what I meant.

"What is that? What are you doing?" She asked frantically. Waseem grabbed her and placed the cloth over her mouth as she tried to break free. She began screaming and kicking but then went quiet. Waseem let go of her body as she collapsed on the floor.

"What was in that cloth?" Waseem asked impressed. I smirked. I took out my knife. "Go get some trash bags. We cant have any leave any evidence of her murder."

He got up and grabbed a few black trash bags. "Put lower half in a bag and put the other bag underneath her upper half" I said. As he did this I placed a long piece of disposable table cloth on the floor. Waseem and I then both placed her in the middle of it as she was still covered with the trash bags.

"You might wanna leave the room." I suggested. He got up and left as I grabbed the knife.


We disposed her body in a nearby lake and cleaned the entire mess. Afterwards we went back to Waseem's place to celebrate.

"Man, I am glad shes gone" said Waseem. He sipped on some alcohol. Drinking was haram but my ignorant cousin didn't give a shit.
"I should probably stop drinking before I pass out." He said as he smirked.

"Why don't you let loose only this one time." I said. Forgive me ya Allah, for encouraging him to drink but I must kill him, and a drunk mind is much weaker than a sober mind.

He finished an entire bottle. "I'll get some refills" I said. I went into the kitchen and reached into my pocket. It was a small pill, not just any pill, but one strong enough to kill a grown man in 15 minutes. I filled his wine glass and put the pill inside. The pill was visible but I'm sure he's too wasted to notice.

"Whats taking you so long?" He said.

"Coming." I said. I entered the living room and gave him the glass. I watched numbly as he gulped it all down.


He was dead. I dumped his body in the same lake I dumped Layla's body. The body shouldn't float though as I attached several bricks to each body.

I smiled.

I headed back to the shack. I took off all my new clothes and placed them in a black trash bag. I changed into my regular clothes. I walked a few minutes towards the local dumpster. I took my spray can and sprayed the camera watching it while my ski mask was one. Once it was covered I threw the ski mask along with everything else into the dumpster and poured gasoline on it. I took out a match and lit it.

A fire rose up. It was normal for Iraqis to burn trash this was no different.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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