The Awakened Stranger

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A/N: Hey everyone! Please go easy on me since it's my first time writing something. Though constructive criticism is appreciated 👍.

I really hope you stick around and give this book a chance!! :D It will follow the main storyline of the game as usual but since this is a Vampire OC's story, expect some canon divergence (and some slow burn romance lol. I know most of y'all are suckers for that).

So just a heads up: I've written the OC's POV in 3rd person (She/Her) without using her name anywhere in this chapter. I'm sure you've seen her name in the description.

Disclaimer: Twisted Wonderland is not owned by me and solely belongs to Disney and Aniplex. The storyline and character art is done by Yana Toboso and the creative team. Only the OC is made up by me.

Warnings: None (Except for some implied injuries).

Update: I should probably make a character profile for the OC later.


In a vast, dimly lit chamber filled with hovering mirrors and coffins, a sleek grey ball of fur hid itself behind a door. As he peered into the hall, electric blue eyes surveyed every corner of the room before entering in a hurry. Faint rustling of padded footsteps reverberated through the hall as the creature scurried towards the nearest coffin, which was a few feet away from a giant floating mirror in the middle of the chamber, before looking around and behind him cautiously.

It seemed like it did not want to get caught sneaking into this particular room.

"Phew...coast is clear. Time to get the one thing I came here for!"

Tiny forepaws gripped the edge of the coffin lid and tried to force it open with all its might, its little body shaking as it pushed and pulled on the cover repeatedly but despite its efforts, the lid remained tightly shut.

"Hnnngggghh...soo heavy...why won't MYAAAH!?"

The creature's paws slipped from the offending coffin and landed unceremoniously on its butt with a thump. It groaned frustratedly as it stood on its hind legs and scratched the surface, kicking and punching it like a petulant child.

"Mraaaahhh!! Stupid lid!! If I don't get a uniform, they won't let me in!!"

However, the moment it sensed faint footsteps outside the chamber, its fur bristled in panic and quickly made another desperate attempt to pry the hard, unyielding case open.

"Yikes! I can...hear 'em...coming from miles away! Hnnnghh!! this thing!!?"

Minutes passed before the little beast stopped briefly to catch his breath after noticing that the casket did not budge even a little bit. Though an idea seemed to form in his mind...

"Haaah...haaah...Guess I've got no choice..."

The creature stepped back, adjusting its stance as it puffed out its chest determinedly with a deep breath...

...before launching a bright blue blaze of fire from its mouth, directly at the coffin. It watched as the lid fell off with a satisfying clatter after getting its hinges burnt, revealing a dark, cloaked figure underneath. Whoever they were, seemed to be fast asleep with their hands folded on top of their chest, seemingly unharmed and also unaware of what happened just now.

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