...The First Meeting...

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A week had passed since the first day of classes and the headmaster and the four heads of their respective House were now having their annual weekly report. This would be the first of many to come for this year where they would take turns discussing how their houses were doing, how certain students were acting, if anything needed improvement and everything else in between. Leading this meeting was none other than the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

 Leading this meeting was none other than the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore

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A/N: RIP to Richard Harris and Michael Gambon

Dumbledore: Now that's the end for the Second-Years, and I do believe it's time for our First-Years. Who would like to start?

McGonagall then rose her hand before anyone else, and so started the topic of the new faces of witches and wizards.

McGonagall: Well, I do believe we have a rather intriguing batch this year.

Dumbledore: *smiles* As we should every year.

McGonagall: Quite. As for my end with my lions, Ms. Granger seems to be very promising. She's very bright and ambitious. Wanting to absorb all the knowledge that she can.

Snape: *interjects* And also, quite the jabber to where she thinks that she knows everything. More than once I've had to take points away due to her non-stop chatter and arrogance.

Dumbledore could sense another feud of Snape and McGonagall, so he did his best to stop it.

Dumbledore: Now come now Severus, she's most likely just being ambitious, I can recall many students before her being the same. You were just like in your first year as well. *with a twinkle in his eye* 

Severus merely hmphed and rolled his eyes. Dumbledore then encouraged McGonagall to continue.

McGonagall: Besides Ms. Granger, I can't say much about most of the others.

Dumbledore: Oh? What about Harry Potter?

McGonagall: Well, as everyone has heard, it seems that Mr. Potter might just be like his father in more ways than one. With this one being that he is very good on a broom. Therefore, I'm allowing to play for Gryffindor as our Seeker. *smiles* The way he performed and caught that Remembrall, it reminded me of a young James when he was so focused in Quidditch.

While most of the other staff smiled or awed along with the late memory of James Potter, one of them grimaced instead. For not everyone had "happy" memories of Harry's Father. Yet as McGonagall went on about Harry, it seemed that he was just like other students in the average category with his grades. Though professor Flitwick did say that Mr. potter was like his mother Lily and how they had a fascination for charms.

As time went on Professor Flitwick spoke proudly about Ms. Padma Patil and Mr. Terry Boot. While as for Hufflepuff's Headmistress Professor Sprout:

 While as for Hufflepuff's Headmistress Professor Sprout:

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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