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I'm sorry!! I have to go!!"
I left  as fast as i cann, was that some sort of prank! Are they taking revenge on me!?

During Lunch break i told Jennie all about it.
"Gurl,i knew it, i saw him staring at you few times"

"But  i find him kinda weird"

"He is a nice guy"

"But he is friends with Mark and i think it's all his plan"

"I don't think soo, even though he is friends with Mark! He is kind, he told you to be careful right?!

"I guess!"
She is right! I am 16 and haven't dated anyone, maybe i don't trust people or maybe everyone remembers me as a nerd loser! i should give someone a chance
As we were talking, i saw Mark walking into the cafeteria, he smiled at me and walked towards me,he told me he had something to ask

"Huh! what's the matter? I asked

"Do you know me?"

"Ofcourse i know you!"

"No, before you came here? Before you started hitting me!"

"What are you even saying " i was so confused!

"Do you know Rose?" He asked


"Yes your sister!"
The entire cafeteria became silent but I can hear people whispering, whispering about Rose,the one who ended her own life!

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