Prologue - Boredom

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Boredom is the epitome of life. Wake up, get ready, head to school, do work, go home, sleep—well except the weekends of course. It repeats itself like a never ending tidal wave. A wave that will constantly drown you until you don't have the hope to continue fighting. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Sometimes it's necessary, and others not. But for me, it won't stop. No matter how hard I try to break free from the boredom, it always bites back at me, forcing me to lose interest in the things I love. And the part that makes it all the better? I have only one friend, which means every day of school feel like a constant loop that will never be completed.

Wake up, get ready, head to school, do work, go home, sleep. Again and again, I follow this schedule with no change. I kept hoping that one day, one day, everything would change, that I would start to feel something, something that makes me... me. But it never came. Every day my expectations would lower and lower until today, exactly one day before I turned 14. One day before my boredom was broken.

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