Chapter 3: Ep 1 - Anticipation, III

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The first three periods passed in a heartbeat. Today was a Tuesday so there weren't any tests or anything of that nature. Besides PE, I only had two other periods left before the end of the day. Now, I wasn't the biggest fan of PE but it was better than sitting in a classroom all day.

As I walked to the locker room, I felt a slight twinge in my side from running so fast earlier. I tried to ignore it as I got closer and closer to my destination.

Finally, after a bit more walking, I arrived at the locker room. It was filled with the familiar sounds of teenagers changing for gym class. I slipped off my shoes and socks, setting them down neatly on the bench by my locker before I took off my shirt and rummaged through my locker until I found my gym clothes.

I grabbed my gym shirt and started pulling it over my head. As I did, I caught sight of a small mark on my shoulder. It was faint, but it looked like someone or something had scratched me. Frowning, I ran my fingers over the skin, feeling a slight sting.

I shook my head, dismissing the thought. It must have been from one of the many trees that I'd ran by during my earlier run. Grabbing my gym shorts, I began to change into them, ignoring the small ache that had started on my shoulder.

With a final change into my gym clothes, I made my way out of the locker room and outside onto the field. The sun was shining brightly overhead, casting long shadows across the grass as the rest of my classmates filed out onto the field.

As I joined them, I could feel my heart starting to race. I loved this feeling of freedom and exhilaration that came with running around on the field. Suddenly the gym teacher, Coach Thompson started to talk, "Okay class, today we're going to be playing a game of capture the flag!"

The students started cheering, eager to start the game. As Coach Thompson explained the rules, I listened intently. I had always been good at this game, using my speed and agility to evade capture while trying to tag others.

I slowly walked to the starting line before waiting for the whistle to blow.

The whistle finally blew, signaling the start of the game. I darted off like a bolt of lightning, my muscles propelling me forward at an impressive speed. I weaved in and out of the other students, my eyes scanning the field for any sign of the flag.

As I ran, my lungs filled with the cool, crisp air that seemed to energize me even more. My feet pounded against the grass, sending tiny puffs of dirt and debris into the air. My heart raced, blood pumping through my veins at an alarming rate. Just like this morning, I felt my speed begin to increase exponentially.

The adrenaline coursing through my veins felt like fireworks exploding in my system. It was exhilarating, invigorating, and addictive all at once.

I was running at full speed, my long legs carrying me effortlessly across the field as I looked around for the flag. My muscles moved fluidly underneath my skin, powering me forward with incredible force. The wind rushed past my ears, tugging at my hair as I ran.

Suddenly, I spotted the enemy's flag fluttering in the distance. With a primal growl, I accelerated even faster, pushing my body to its limits. The ground seemed to fly beneath my feet as I closed in on the flag.

I lunged forward, reaching out to grab the flag just as the other team's player tried to pull it back. There was a brief tug-of-war moment before I felt a surge of strength enter my body. I smirked at the other person before I finally managed to yank it free from their grasp.

I quickly turned around, holding the enemy's flag in my hand. I could hear my classmates cheering my name. The rush of endorphins was incredible, and I felt like I could run forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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