tour of the city 2

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Chapter 3

Ash up top

After the beast had all had a proper bathing and had their belly full, it was time for them to all move on with their tour.

The next please for them to go was the factory's and boy was it a long walk well to the females, the humans however were complaining that with a city as develop as this one should had have some means of transportation or at least allow the males to carry them.

As apart of the city rules and also a way for the females to grow a little bit stronger and be lest lazy and depend on them self the males living in and  visiting the city is not allowed to carry there females around, and especially the ones outside of the city they had because too depend on men that if they were to lose all they will suffer for they can't do a thing for them self.

All so the city leader wish for all female to be stronger than the females of the past, she doesn't want a replicate of the past, and if the males ever decide to revert to them past self the female's of this time should be able to can help them self.

If a male is coughs carry a female around for no lest then a hour he'll be given the work of carrier male they have the job of not just bring them female around but larger goods for the city and other male beast around the city, and the city is a really big its made up of different sections.

And for the females that had allowed their male to carry them, they had to walk every inch of the city to start to finish.

Ash alone with and her males is an example of what will happen anyone if anyone dear to break the rules, Ash males are all over the city being carrier for everyone and she is to walk every inch of the city as a tour guide.

Ash and her mates are semi now to the city an it way and it's kinda hard to get rid of old habits and they are trying to make it work, they are still in training after all.

As for transportation, Kate and a few others are working on it. Kate don't want the transportation of earth in the beast world for they cause too much air pollution pollution and it would destroy the beauty of the world like on earth, she wants something that is world friendly not just user and also to blend in with nature.

The guest are getting closer to the factory and humans saw that this please looks more like an upgraded version of the house back at the village that they had seen and taught that they had reached the point, they were just about to complain about the long walk  but Ash had begun to explain what this please was.

"These is the city factory I know it my look like the homes of your village or city but it had been design that way because they are lot harder to check fire and more ventilated for those that works here with toxic chemicals that are used to make certain items, and the reason for its being so far out is if a fair was to happen this please would be the only place to burn down and not the whole city.

"Here we have  the factory, this is were beast men and women with great ideas of ways to improve our way of life always come here to test them out and this is where all the fabric that you say back at the city marketplace are made as well as clothes and the medical equipment that are used in the hospital are made as well as school materials and much  more.

Each time someone comes up with a successful idea, they are getting a million dollar of city money to spend, or they are given a much nicer house."

"Question, and I'm sorry for cutting you off, but what other things are made here? And I understand from the demonstration you had given us earlier on, but why are we being given a tour of this wonderful city if it's supposed to be hidden? And why is this place advance then the rest of the beast world? How did you all come up with the idea to create these things?

And I'm once more sorry for my attitude, but others out there are dying because of lack of proper facilities and medical care, which I could see is great here and also because of the elements the people of the beastworld are dropping like crazy. Why had no one from this city tried to help those who are out there suffering." Jade, a human, ask

"And one more question why were we brought there in the beastworld if we are not allowed to be here?

"Well, some of you humans, at least four of you were meant to be here, even if this city is advance as you can see we are still in the testing process of things, majority of the things here could cause a decline in the male population, belive it are not but females are not the ones closest to extinction it's the male population we have a million females being born in the beast world compared to fifty males breath each year.

Four of you were selected by the beastgod himself to try and help us increase their population as well as to help them advance, and we had tried in many ways to help them, but men being men don't like to see us women being in charge so they the so called  leaders of thesw fello trib refuse any assistance from us.

They are still trapped in their old ways of believing that us beast women are beneath them and are nothing more them sex objects,  the four humans that were selected was to go to the four different tribe but some how you all ended up in the same tribe fighting over these men especially when there more to be taken and none kf you ate doing nothing to help them advance. As for why we are revealing ourselves to you, it is because the world is going to be facing its  it's first full red moons, and this city is being opened up to its first festival.

And I can't say any more the city queen Kate would be having an meeting with you about more."

"Ohk any more questions before we move on, No! OK let's move on

Thank for reading hope you'll enjoying this book so far

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