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The next day was simple as usual as yeonjun walked down the stairs and entered the living room. He saw beomgyu sitting there who was on his phone and Mr. Choi who was ranting about the government while seeing the news.

He approached them and greeted.
"Morning dad"

Morning son" he passed a smile and went back to the TV.

"Morning hyung" beomgyu said while still being busy on his phone.

"Morning gyu" he said while ruffling beomgyu's hair which made him frown and yeonjun laugh.

It was Sunday so its usual of them to be like this.

Yeonjun signed and went to the kitchen. He went up the kitchen counter and saw his mother making breakfast with Mrs. Kim( the most trusted worker of their house that helps Mrs. Choi in cooking cuz They don't like anyone elses ).

Morning mom" yeonjun said to his mom who was busing frying eggs.

"Oh! Morning sweety. The breakfast is almost done. Is soobin awake?"

Yeonjun only shrugged his shoulders in response not knowing if he actually is awake or not.

"Could you wake him up for me I still need to fry some bacons." She said moving towards the toaster and took the toasted bread in a plate.
Yeonjun only sighed and went up the stairs into soobin's room.

'Knock knock'

No answer.

Yeonjun twisted the door knob and surprisingly the room was unlocked.
He came inside, looking here and there in search for soobin thats when he heard the bathroom door open and there stood soobin in a towel wrapped around this waist and a towel in his hands from which he was drying his hair.

He stood there for a second to look at soobin's body. He saw soobin had a well built chest with abs. And oh the ever so milky skin he had is spotless. He stared soobin from top to bottom realizing he had been staring for over five minutes now he decided to look away but before he could a voice grabbed his attention.

"Take a picture,it'll last longer" soobin said in a voice deeper than his usual one. He saw yeonjuns cheeks go red as of a deer fought in headlights.

"I-I um- momsaidcomedownstairsandeatbreakfast." Yeonjun said in what it was like a second and decided to leave the younger's room but unfortunately something had to stop him.

There he was trapped between soobin's arm and the door. Looking everywhere in the room but the younger's eyes. He bit his bottom lip trying to suppress any of the unholy possible sounds that were about to come out of his mouth as soobin inched closer now placing his hand on yeonjun's waist.

"Don't bite it. Makes it look more tempting than it already is."soobin said as it was the most casual thing to say as he slowly took yeonjuns bottom lip out of his teeth using his thumb.

"Look at me." Soobin ordered.

Yeonjun was hesitant.

"I don't like to repeat myself yeonjun." Soobin said as he held yeonjuns face up with his hand. Yeonjun had no chance but to obey.

Once he looks into the younger's eyes he gets lost. A tingling feeling in this stomach appears as he inched himself more closer to soobin. Closing the already no gap between them soobin pulled yeonjun in for a kiss. It was sweet, chaste and slow.

He moved his lips along with soobin trying to go with the same pace as the other. He gasped when he felt soobin's arms completely around his waist. The younger took the opportunity to enter the older and as he did his tongue started exploring every inch of his mouth. Tasting the sweet strawberries yeonjun picked up from the kitchen counter. They separated. Panting for air as they did they were about to dive in again when...

"–jun...yeon– yeonjun.?" Said a voice
Kicking yeonjun out of his trance. He looked up to see soobin standing at the door of his room. Wait what was he doing here? Oh yea right . He was here to call the younger for breakfast. But look where his daydreaming took him. Far from the actual reason of why he was here.

"Umm your spacing out again" soobin said again,concern can clearly be seen  in the eyes of the younger.

"Oh- yea Umm- sorry, I- mom said to come have breakfast." Yeonjun said and turned around but only to be pulled by the younger from his arms. He was taken a back by the sudden action. Wait is my day dream coming true?  Yeonjun shakes his head at the that thought again. Thank god the younger didn't pull him forcefully or with more strength than he already did. Cause if he did their bodies would have been pressed against each other and the space between them would be long gone.

"Are you ok. You seem so out of it lately." Soobin questioned while a it'll holding the olders arm.

"Yea I'm completely fine. Just a bit sleepy I guess? I didn't get enough sleep last night. You know maybe because of excitement that mom and dad are back and we can finally have our family reuni-" yeonjun was cut abruptly by the laugh of the younger.
Now what is he laughing at?

"Gosh you should've seen your face while explaining it. Oh my god yeonjun you were rambling things out " the younger of the two said between his laughs.
I didn't even realize I was rambling things. And why was I even telling him that why I couldn't sleep at night. Oh god yeonjun get a hold of yourself.

The younger patted yeonjuns head leaving the other off guard. He went downstairs and yeonjun stood there dumbfounded. But he quickly composed himself and followed soobin downstairs.

At the dinning table:

"So soobin tell me, did yeonjun cause you any trouble when we were out?"
Mrs. Choi said making everyone at the table look up at her.

"Mom!!!?" Yeonjun whined.

"No Mrs. Choi. He behaved quite well and trust me he didn't cause me any sort of inconvenience." Soobin said while looking at yeonjun who was already looking or should I say glaring at him as if to not spill anything but  Mrs. Choi nodded in satisfaction at the younger and continued eating.

"Ok mom I'm gonna go." Beomgyu said while standing up from his seat and getting his bag.

"What about breakfast?" Mrs. Choi asked.

"Mom I'll eat at taehyuns house I really wanna go right now."

"Ok but at least wait for soobin. He would drop of you off."
Mr. Choi said wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Dad you know my mid-terms are coming and I'm having extra classes so I need to study hard for that and taehyun said he'll help me in history, And besides I have My bike so I'll be going then byeee!!"
Beomgyu said while opening while house door and running outside closing the door shortly behind him.

"For someone who's going to group study, he sure seems exited." Yeonjun mumbled not clear enough for anyone to hear but little did he know soobin smiled to himself at his statement. 


Look who's back. Yea its me.
Wassup guys.
Ok foine ik you are mad because I was not updating for like weeks but heyy I've been busy at school and was dumped in assignments so you Guys gotta understand.

Anyways here is another update ik its a little😶 you know and I'm not good at writing things like these so forgive me if I made you cringe lol ok so thats all I'll be taking my leave then.

Vote for my story
And comment on it and tell me your opinions about how's it going so far.
Also I wanted to ask you guys if I should make the ending of this story happy?or sad?.
Do tell me in the comments I'll be waiting.

Ok dang I'm going for real now.👋🏻
Bye luv you cookies🤧🤧✨🔪

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