# 2. New Challenge

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As the huge and imposing doors swung open, Ulrich entered the Cavaliere palace, greeted by the familiar sight of its grandeur. Federico, one of the family's closest and most trusted men, approached him with a sense of urgency in his stride. "Consigliere, il Capo ti sta aspettando." (Consigliere, Chief is waiting for you. ) he informed Ulrich.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Ulrich fell into step beside Federico as they made their way through the opulent halls of the palace. Ulrich couldn't help but inquire,"Qualcosa di importante?"  (Anything important?) 

Federico's grave expression confirmed his suspicions. "È così, davvero."  (It is, for real,) he replied, his tone laden with significance.

As they approached the front hallway, Federico left Ulrich's side, leaving him to proceed alone. There, seated regally in an ornate chair, was Chief Cavaliere himself. A warm grin spread across the Chief's face as he spotted Ulrich.  "Ulrich, figlio! Vieni qui. Prendi posto." (Ulrich, son! Come here. Have a seat,) he beckoned.

Ulrich nodded respectfully and took his place across from the Chief, his senses keenly attuned to the atmosphere in the room. With caution in his voice, Ulrich ventured, Capo, qual è il problema? Ho sentito che mi hai chiamato solo per vedermi." ( Chief, what's the problem? I heard you only asked me to see.)

Chief Cavaliere's smile faded, replaced by a more somber expression as he crushed the remaining cigar on the table. He sighed heavily, his demeanor betraying a hint of reluctance. 

"Non volevo coinvolgere Enzo in questa questione."  (I didn't want to include Enzo in this matter,) he admitted, his words hanging heavy in the air.

Ulrich's eyes narrowed slightly in confusion. How could the Chief summon him without involving Enzo, his own son? The exclusion of Enzo from the conversation left Ulrich with a sense of foreboding, suggesting that whatever issue Chief Cavaliere was about to address was of utmost gravity, yet delicate in nature.

Chief Cavaliere sighed heavily, removing his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose as he addressed Ulrich. " Il tuo vecchio amico, Jaura, mi ha mandato un messaggio. (Your old buddy, Jaura, sent me a message,) he began, his tone grave with concern.

Ulrich's mind raced as he connected the dots, realizing the gravity of the situation. "È riguardo al nostro deposito?"  (Is it about our storage?) he inquired, already anticipating the Chief's confirmation.

Chief Cavaliere nodded solemnly, his expression weary. " Qualcuno sta rivendicando la sua proprietà." (Someone is claiming its ownership,) he confirmed, his voice tinged with frustration. 

Ma ho documenti, prove esterne e testimoni. Quell'edificio non ha un proprietario precedente." (But I have documents and external proof and witnesses. That building has no previous owner,) Ulrich protested, his disbelief evident.

The Chief nodded calmly, though his eyes betrayed a sense of urgency. " Qualcuno ha creato un proprietario. Sembra che... abbiano sentito il fumo. (Someone has created an owner. Seems like... they sensed the smoke,) he remarked cryptically, leaving Ulrich to decipher the implications.

Understanding the urgency of the matter, Ulrich offered to delegate the task to someone else. "Farò controllare la questione a qualcuno."  (I'll have someone look into it,) he suggested, but Chief Cavaliere's response was firm and unwavering.

 "No. Lo fai tu stesso. Non mi fido di nessuno, per ora." (No. You do it yourself. I don't trust anyone, as of now,) he insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument.

With a nod of understanding, Ulrich watched as Chief Cavaliere stood up, his gaze lingering on Ulrich for a moment before he turned to leave. "Cerca di risolverlo delicatamente. Se non cedono, allora lo faremo a modo nostro." (Try to settle it softly. If they don't give up, then we'll do it our way,) the Chief advised before exiting the room, leaving Ulrich to ponder the weight of his words.

Alone in the room, Ulrich let out a heavy sigh and reached for his phone, his fingers moving with purpose as he dialed Marco's number. "Marco, organizza il mio biglietto per l'India stasera." (Marco, arrange my ticket to India this evening,) he instructed, the urgency of the situation driving him to take immediate action.

As Ulrich arrived at the airport, he stepped out of the car into the bustling atmosphere of travelers and airport staff. His trusted friend and assistant, Marco, followed closely behind, handing him a bag as they stood on the curb. Ulrich slung the bag over his left shoulder with practiced ease, the weight of it familiar against his frame.

Marco's voice broke through the ambient noise, his tone tinged with curiosity and concern. " "Consigliere, stai tornando?"  (Consigliere, are you coming back?) he asked, his eyes searching Ulrich's face for reassurance.

Ulrich couldn't help but chuckle at Marco's question, finding a hint of absurdity in it. "Certo. Dove altro dovrei andare?" (Of course. Where else would I go?) he replied with a wry smile, his voice carrying a note of certainty.

But Marco persisted, his words laced with a touch of nostalgia. "Stai andando nella tua terra natia dopo anni... il posto che ti sei tanto mancato, la tua casa." (You're going to your homeland after years... the place you missed so much, your home,) he reminded Ulrich, his concern evident in his gaze.

Ulrich's response was swift, cutting through Marco's sentimentality with a firm declaration. "Questa è casa mia. Tu e i Cavalieri siete la mia famiglia." (This is my home. You and the Cavalieres are my family,) he stated emphatically, his words carrying the weight of conviction.

A soft smile tugged at Marco's lips, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared. "Buon viaggio, Consigliere." (Have a safe trip, Consigliere,) he wished Ulrich, his voice filled with genuine warmth.

Ulrich nodded in gratitude, his expression reflecting his appreciation for Marco's support. "Sarò di ritorno fra due settimane. Occupati delle cose qui e tienimi aggiornato su qualsiasi questione." (I'll be back in two weeks. Take care of things here, and keep me updated on any matters,) he instructed Marco, his tone authoritative yet filled with trust.

With a final nod, Ulrich turned and made his way into the bustling airport terminal, his footsteps echoing against the polished floors. As he disappeared into the crowd, the weight of his departure hung in the air, leaving Marco to watch him go with a mixture of pride and concern.

After landing, when Ulrich stepped out of the airport and breathed in the familiar air of his homeland, he couldn't help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions. How many years had it been since he last set foot in this place? He couldn't remember the exact number, the passage of time blurred by the tumultuous journey he had undertaken.

Thrown out, beaten, and hated, Ulrich had endured his fair share of hardships before finding refuge among the Cavalieres. In their company, he had found acceptance, loyalty, and a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. With such warmth and support surrounding him, he had pushed aside memories of his birthplace, a land that had never offered him solace or comfort.

But as he stood there, memories threatened to resurface, stirring within him a sense of nostalgia and longing that he had long suppressed. Yet, he pushed them away, determined to focus on the task at hand.

A voice called out to him from his left, breaking through his reverie. "Hi! Tony!" it exclaimed, and Ulrich turned to see Anuj Jaura approaching him. Anuj, his former colleague from their days working together in Berlin on a deal involving the Cavaliere house, greeted him with a smile.

Ulrich returned the gesture with a wave, acknowledging Anuj's presence. Despite Ulrich's protests, Anuj insisted on taking his bag, a small gesture of hospitality that spoke volumes about their friendship. Together, they climbed into Anuj's car, ready to embark on the journey ahead.

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