Don't do this...

862 31 22

(blood warning)

Cairo was currently alone in Winnie's house, she was in the kitchen making some breakfast for herself, Winnie left early since she had an early class

Cc was at her house, and they decided that they needed some alone time, they didn't fight, nothing was wrong, but it felt good to be alone sometimes and not spend every minute together

Especially for Cairo, since she liked being alone, so she can think and do her own things

She was listening to some song as she cooked some eggs for herself, only one earphone in her ear, she never puts both in, ever since what happened with Mr. Lamon

She was still very confused about why he saved her that day, why would he? it doesn't make sense.

Cairo took a deep breath and put the eggs on a plate and turned the oven off

She heard the front door open, and thought Winnie had come home for something

So she went to the table and sat down with her food

"So you're hooking up with your teacher again? At least it's a man this time" Cairo felt a shiver run down on her spine

"Why are you here, Caleb? And no, I have a girlfriend" He grabbed Cairo by her upper arm and pulled her up

Then slapped her across the face

"Shut your filthy mouth for once, You are coming with me, and that's final, I'll put you in your place, Girlfriend, disgusting" Cairo gritted her teeth and pushed him away

Making him stumble backwards, Cairo took her phone and began making her way out of the house, but he quickly caught up to her, and pulled on her hair

Cairo hissed, he grabbed her by the throat with his other hand

"Don't do this, make this easy for me" Cairo elbowed him twice before he finally loosened the grip on her

"Leave me alone" She was just at the front door when he pushed Cairo against the door, he used enough force to Cairo have bruises

She hit her shoulder and the side of her face against the door, She felt something dripping on her face, She touched it and saw red liquid on her hand

Cairo was bleeding...

"Dare to do that again! I swear I'll fucking kill you!" Caleb shouted at Cairo, who was struggling to get back on her feet

Caleb walked over and pulled her up, Cairo hissed from the pain she was in, but looked him in the eye and said

"You are nothing! Seriously, you're taking your anger out on me, who is clearly not able to defend herself, and also I'm a woman, you are pathetic, Caleb

No one will ever love you, because you're abusive and a worthless piece of-"

Cairo was cut off when he grunted loudly and grabbed the vase from the small table next to the door, and since he's been working out since he was twelve

He was very strong, Caleb smashed the vase on Cairo's head and watched the girl fall...

"Get up!" He yelled but got no answer to his command, Caleb turned Cairo over since she was lying on her side

and saw that the girl was unconscious and some blood was dripping from where he hit her with the vase

"No, No, No, I can't go to jail! Fuck! Fuck!" He put his hands on his head and began freaking out, Cairo looked like she wasn't breathing

He stepped over his sister's body and hurriedly left the house...

Caleb panicked and didn't know what to do...

Cc was just getting ready for school, she was just about to leave the house, she had a weird feeling in her gut

She was confused but decided to ignore it...

Which was weird that Cairo didn't text her when she left the house, she always does

But Cc rubbed it off thinking that she might be thinking too much about this relationship

Cairo doesn't have to text her every morning telling her where is she or what she's doing!

Cc smiled to herself knowing that she's gonna see her girlfriend in just a couple of minutes

Cc walked to school hoping to see her lover in the same spot as usual, but she didn't...

She was confused and she really hoped to meet with Cairo, maybe she's sick?

Cc decided to text her and see what's up

Cc: Hey, you okay?

Cc: Are you coming to school?

The blonde was getting worried when she didn't get any response from her girlfriend

The odd feeling in her gut was getting worse...

"No, she's okay, I'm just being dumb" Cc mumbled to herself and took a deep breath

Cc: Hope you're okay, text me, I love you

Cc put her phone in her pocket, and went to her classes

After hours passed Caleb returned to the house, Cairo was in the same spot as before

He bent down and checked her pulse but he felt none...

"Fuck!" He whisper shouted, then thought for a while before he picked the girl up and made sure no one saw him and carried her out to his car

He put Cairo in the backseat, Caleb was having a panic attack at this point, so He drove away as quickly as possible

But still driving at the speed limit not wanting to be stopped by cops

Caleb drove further away to a nearby forest, he brought shovels with himself

He got out of the car and took Cairo out of the car, then laid her on the ground

Caleb was sweating his eyes watered, he looked pale as a ghost as he began digging a hole in the ground

He was looking around every few minutes not wanting to be seen by anyone

"You fucked up! You fucked up!" Caleb muttered to himself, he was dirty, the dirt-stained pants and shirt

He even got some on his face...

He hoped no one would find out what he did to his sister...

"Hey, Winnie, have you seen Cairo today?" Cc asked Winnie who looked at her confused

"Yeah, in the morning before I left, why? Isn't she here? She should be, or she was too lazy to come to school, Didn't she text you?" Cc shooked her head from how fast Winnie was talking

"No she hasn't texted me since last night, did she text you?" Winnie furrowed her brows and stopped walking

"No, she didn't, that's weird, but I'm sure she's fine, maybe she just wants to be alone, you know how she is" Cc giggled knowing her lover loves to be alone

"Yeah, I know, I know, I'm sure she's fine, I just needed to be sure" Winnie smiled and hugged Cc from the side

"We have a weird girl with us, but we love her and she loves us, Wanna get food? I'm hungry" Cc giggled again but nodded

"Sure" The two girls began making their way out of school, deciding what to eat

While Winnie and Cc were hanging out, being happy...

Cairo was about to get buried...

Buried alive.......

(Muahahhahahhahaha, anyways, drop your opinions in the comments! Have a nice day! Thank you for readign!)

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