It'll be okay...

710 36 14

(some warning like blood etc.)

Cc was scared to death, she didn't know what to do, she tried getting out of the chains but failed to do so

Lamon left her alone for a little while, she was getting more and more scared as the seconds passed

Her phone was on the table in front of her, she was a bit far away and couldn't reach it since the chains restrained her

She stretched her leg out as far as possible, thankfully she just had to knock her phone down to the ground, and she could somehow get help

She kicked the leg of the table, well tried to because only the tip of her toes reached it

Cc felt helpless, if she ever gets out, this will be a traumatic event to remember

Cc got annoyed and stretched her body further out, she kicked the table, and her phone fell directly next to her leg

She saw hope for a second, she kicked it over to herself and unlocked it

She first texted Cairo

Cc: Cairo I don't have much time, Mr. Lamon got me, I'm not joking, I don't know where am I, please, don't take this as a joke

Cc waited for her to respond, she hoped she would

Cairo heard her phone buzz, she looked and saw it was Cc, she read a bit of it, then got worried and opened the message

She felt a shiver run down on her spine as she read what her girlfriend had written to her

Cairo: What, Cc, are you serious?

Cc felt extremely relieved when Cairo replied

Cc: Yes! I'm not kidding Cairo! Do something, Find me.

Cairo showed Winnie the text and she seemed concerned about this

"I don't think she's joking, you and I both know that he never liked Cc, and the fact that she's your girlfriend"

Winnie said and took her phone out to call the police...

Cairo didn't know what to do with herself now, she felt completely devasted by all this

Cc sent her a text an hour ago saying she was fine, Maybe Lamon texted that, Cairo was really confused but didn't hesitate to talk to the police officer

Cc kicked her phone away and pretended like she couldn't reach it as Lamon entered the room

"Would you like to say goodbye to her?" Lamon asked and Cc knew it was over for her..

This is how it ends...

She nodded, at least she could say goodbye to her lover...

He nodded took his phone out and told her it was recording

Cc felt a tear slip from her eye

"I'm sorry what happened between us, I didn't mean to hurt you, but apparently, I never will again, I feel shame for what I did, I truly regret it by now"

Cc let out a breathy chuckle

"But, I want you to know that it's okay, and I love you, I wish we had more time to spend together, it's my last time saying goodbye to you, it's gonna be okay, I'm not afraid anymore, I love you"

he stopped recording and sent it to Cairo, when the brunette got a message from the same person that killed her brother, she shivered

Then took a look at the video, she felt her heart break at Cc's words..

"We have to find her! " Cairo said to the police officers and showed them the video

"Winnie.." Cairo said and hugged her best friend tightly

"It's gonna be okay, It's gonna be okay" The taller girl whispered and tried calming Cairo down

Cc was sitting there quietly, she didn't beg, she didn't speak, she accepted her fate...

"What cat got your tongue?" Lamon asked and looked at Cc, he bent down and grabbed her by the jawline

"What's there to talk about, no reason to, you're gonna kill me anyways" Cc said and just stayed silent afterward

"Well... you are right about that" He said and fixed his posture then turned around to grab a knife...

He turned back around and gave that awful grin to Cc, which made her shiver, she said nothing, done nothing, just sat there on the floor, being ready for whatever was coming

"I hope you understand I'm doing this for Cairo..." He said and bent down, then shoved the knife into Cc's stomach

The blonde bent over a bit as the knife struck her, She let out a silent scream as he pulled the knife out

She thought about Cairo, thinking that she's safe at least...

Cairo was pacing around as the minutes passed, everything felt like it slowed completely down

"What's taking so long?!" Cairo asked and bit her lip

"Ma'am calm down, we'll find her, we just need time" Cairo grunted from frustration

then remembered that she needed to tell this to Jess...

"I have to go" Cairo said and walked out of the house before sitting on her bike and pedaling over to Cc's house

She got there as quickly as possible, let her bike fall to the ground, and made her way over to the door, knocking franticly

Jess opened it and looked confused

"Cairo? What's wrong?" Jess asked and looked confused when the girl stood there with tears in her eyes

Cairo pushed past the woman who had clearly just woken up, and went to the kitchen

"There's no easy way to say this, okay? I'm sorry this happened at all" Cairo said and slid her phone over to Jess so she can look at it

Jess was confused by the text, but then Cairo showed her the video

"Cairo, what is this? Some sort of sick joke?" Cairo felt tears falling from her eyes and shooked her head

"I wish it was, but it isn't, our teacher, Lamon, has been obsessed with me since day one, and he never liked me being with Cc, and now he's..."

Jess couldn't form proper words, she was completely speechless, she could not possibly believe that this was actually happening

"Bill! Bill! Get up!" Jess yelled and began to panic, but she tried to stay calm

"What? What's wrong?" He asked as he ran downstairs

Jess explained the situation to him

"Have you called the police" Cairo nodded immediately

"They're working on finding her right now, I just hope they do before it's too late" Cairo said and her voice choked at the end

None of them wanted to believe that this was happening, it felt so surreal, that it couldn't be true...right?

Sadly it was true, everything that happened was true...

They all felt helpless, not knowing what to do or how to help Cc...

They just hoped she'd be okay when the police finds her...

(Thinking about quitting writing, anyways, drop your opinions in the comments! Have a nice day! Thank you for reading!)

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