Chapter 32-p2

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By the time the sun crested the hills, a man drove up in a truck with an open bed, with the two sheep inside.

"Hey Louiza," the man said, climbing out of the cab, and lowering the gate. "I did my best to do what you asked, I took them to my vet, gave them all the tests, but I can't make heads or tails of why they're so big. Every test came back saying they're just ordinary sheep."

He led the sheep down the ramp and Polites ran up to the slightly larger one, throwing his good arm around the sheep's fluffy neck and burying his face in her wool.

"I missed you, girl!" He said. The sheep sniffed at his head and shoulders, and let out a low bleat, licking Polites' ear affectionately.

"I guess we're not going to be able to eat that one," Eurylochus whispered into Odysseus' ear, and Odysseus smiled.

"We'll find another island to resupply when we get back," he whispered back. If we get back...

The man who had brought the sheep laughed as Louiza came up and slipped something into his hand.

"Thanks, Georgios," Louiza said. "So sorry to get you out so early."

"Thank you Georgios!" Polites said also, still hugging the sheep.

"Come on, buddy," Hermes said, coming over to take Polites by the shoulder. "We have to get going."

"Where are you all heading off to so early?" Louiza asked.

"Important family business," Hermes said vaguely, waving a hand.

"Sounds like fun," Louiza said, in a way that made it seem like it wasn't fun at all. "Well, I'll be seeing you, Angelo. Remember, get a radio before heading out to open water. Georgios, will you give me a ride back home?"

"Sure thing Louiza, hop in," Georgios opened the passenger side door for her, and in moments, the two were gone.

"Come on boys," Athena called, already on board. "Lets get going."

Polites led the sheep up the gangplank and down into the hold, dwarfed by their size, to find Hera standing at the top of the ramp. Her braids were back up in her updo, and the chunky jewelry from the other night had been replaced with a bronze armor-like collar and bracers of the same.

"What's this?" She asked, raising an elegant eyebrow.

"Supplies," Eurylochus said shortly, and Polites looked at him, eyes wide and tearing up.

"He means the other one," Odysseus said from behind them. "I won't let him eat your sheep, Polites."

"Her name is Lady," Polites said, scratching the large ewe behind her ear.

"Let's get them below," Eurylochus said, looking up at Hera, as if afraid she was going to smite him.

But Hera smiled, and ran a finger across Lady's nose. "Don't let her near my husband," she said softly. "He has no respect for ladies."

Odysseus didn't really understand, but he helped Polites pull them down the steps and get situated in the ship's hold once again.

"We'll have to get them some food, or they'll eat the bedding."

"They're not goats, Odysseus," Polites protested. "Lady's a good girl."

"We've had the sheep for three days, how have you gotten so attached already?" Eurylochus asked.

"She likes me! She even recognized me the way that I am now." Polites hugged the ewe again.

"We're going to get a creature from every island we pass on our way home, aren't we?" Odysseus laughed.

"We haven't gotten one from here," Cassandra said from over Eurylochus' shoulder.

"This doesn't count," Odysseus said. "This is... this is home..." he trailed off, but Polites wasn't paying attention anymore.

"The wind spirits!" he gasped. "Where are they? I haven't seen them since we came through the portal."

"There you are!" Hermes came down the passageway from Odysseus' cabin. "You boys need to get changed, its cold in the underworld, and you're not dressed appropriately."

"Do we have anything that fits?" Odysseus asked. "All my spare clothes would go down to my feet."

"I'd be swimming in my chiton," Polites said, looking down at his scrawny body.

"I've prepared suitable outfits in Odysseus' cabin," Hermes said. "Go get changed, I'll take care of the sheep."

He ushered the children down the passage.

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