WOTFI 2023 Ending - AU Edition

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SMG4 is reading a newspaper with the back of the newspaper of a text, SMG3 titled: "Paisano Perps Put in Prison!".

SMG4: "Well, thank god that's all over."


SMG3 starts kissing his notebook and rubbing his face all over it until he realizes SMG4 is watching.

SMG4: "All in a day's work!"

SMG3 covers himself with his notebook as he blushes.

SMG4: "Thanks for helping us with those choices. Because of you guys, we managed to save the notebook!"

SMG3: "YEAH! And as a reward for helping us get the good ending... I'm going to reward you with the BIGGEST gift ever... ME!"

SMG4: "...Huh?"

SMG3 slaps the camera to show his own coffee shop/evil lair.

SMG3: "I, SMG3 declare... that I will be building a BRAND NEW CAFE/EVIL LAIR in this spot.... And will be moving into the showgrounds!"

SMG4: "Wait... why is there so many bombs?"

SMG3: "CAUSE BOMBS ARE EVIL AND BADASS! I'll call it 3's Coffee and Bombs. Where you can you can get your daily source of Caffeine and explosives!!"

SMG4: "Awww... did you want to move to be closer to your friends?"

SMG3 blushes again.


SMG4: "Speaking of cafes... I'm dead tired. Let's have some coffee."

SMG3: "Now we're talkin!"

SMG3 walks to SMG4 and they both sit on wood. SMG3 makes coffee for him and SMG3 gives it to him. They cheer and drink their coffee. SMG3 opens his notebook to write something as SMG4 looks.

SMG4: "What are you writing?"

SMG3: "I'll never tell!"

SMG3 was writing a drawing of him and SMG4 enjoying their coffees, The camera gets far away from them. All of a sudden, the camera glitches as if the entire time it was being played on a TV and it goes static. Suddenly, a slow applause begins to play.

Mysterious Female Voice: "That was amazing!"

Mysterious Male Voice: "Well done..."

The camera pans to two mysterious people with a TV on their heads, one male and one female.

Mysterious TV Girl: "What a show that was!"

Mysterious TV Guy: "Great choices."

The TVs turns on to reveal faces, the girl's screen having a crack in the top left corner, as the Mysterious TV Guy's theme plays in the background faintly. The Mysterious TV Guy gets a deranged look on his face while the Mysterious TV Girl gets a smug look on hers.

Mysterious TV Guy: "We should really do this again sometime..."

Mysterious TV Girl: "Indeed..."

The video ends.

Miss Riddles and the Puzzling Adventure | An SMG4 AU featuring an OCWhere stories live. Discover now