Volume 1; Chapter 4; Conversing with the Bookworm

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Raichi who had just woken up, found himself looking at the mirror in his room. They say you shouldn't look in the mirror for so long, yet here he was, zoned out, looking at the mirror. Wondering to himself.
Maybe this wingman thing isn't gonna be so bad...
He didn't have a particular goal in mind. It was that he was simply going to socialize with Hiroshi's help. He thought it'd be best to leave it all up to Hiroshi since he always knows exactly what he is doing. Although he wasn't so sure about how helpful this experience would be, he was willing to take his chances and see the results.
Arriving at the classroom, Raichi quickly sat down on the lonesome chair, along with Hiroshi and Hara. There never was anything too eventful happening around him, and the only sensical thing to do in a moment like this for him was to bring out one of his books and start reading.
Even though they had walked here together, Hiroshi decided to say good morning, and they exchanged a greeting. The class seemed unusually quiet. The ominous silence had left Raichi in a fit of confusion.
So weird...
He knew mornings were moody, but not like this. Perhaps it was because the weather was rather cloudy today, and it seemed like it was going to rain. Raichi felt affected a little too. Even Hiroshi had toned his enthusiasm down.
And if even Hiroshi was feeling down, he knew something was off. Some were keeping their heads down, and some had a visible annoyance on their faces. While reading his book, Raichi saw someone enter the classroom from the corner of his vision. The black-haired boy he had only started trusting days ago. Yet somehow, within that timespan, Haruki's assertive kindness had worked very well. His approach was direct as if he was demanding to be friends with him. It was weird, but if the fact that he had good intentions remained, then it didn't matter. He thought he ought to learn from this.
Perhaps there was a lesson to be learned through this chat and could be used to his advantage. He thought that maybe this could even work on Hiroshi. Haruki had gone up to him.
"Morning, Sato-kun."
"Good morning, Takahashi-kun."
"Everyone seems down in mood. You noticed it too right?" Haruki asked.
"Yeah. Even Hiroshi-kun has been feeling slightly down..."
"Hehe, he doesn't show it, but he does get down in mood often." Raichi had ended up giving him a confused stare.
''Does he? He was always so cheerfully near me. I've rarely seen him like this.'' He interjected.
''Really? In class, even with his reputation, he does sometimes just wander off on his own.''
''... Interesting.''
''Well, I think I'll sit down. Sorry to keep it so short.'' Said Haruki, as he waved goodbye. Afterwards, Raichi decided to just stand there. He stood silently, not uttering a single word, and not doing anything in particular.
In the end, though, the boredom would catch up to him, so he had to bring out a book. It was his favourite one he had read many times over throughout his childhood. He thought it'd be worth bringing, thinking the author's official signed book would bring him good fortune today.
But suddenly -- Raichi felt the door open once more. This time was different, it wasn't anyone he knew obviously, but he had an idea as to who they might be. The Acing Bookworm, as they called her, had entered the classroom. Once she had taken a step inside, without any hesitation, walked right to her seat, seemingly unaffected by everyone's sombre mood. While everything was happening, he had put away the book, unable to concentrate on how to pass the time.
The classes were going on as usual, and they had a chance to take a breather. He had been relieved since he was starting to get a little moody as the day went along. But then, something had caught his attention.
He noticed something that looked like the book he had read before near Yaori's desk. He took another peak in her direction and realized that she was reading the same book. Raichi was very surprised by Yaori's taste in books. Seeing his favourite book in the hands of another bookworm must have been exciting for him. He did carry that book in his bag every day.
Heh, good taste I must say. Although...
Raichi felt the need to say something, to chat. He never really felt the urge for social interaction like this before. He always had no interest in talking with people he hadn't met before. Although, if he is the one who feels like approaching, his trust doesn't matter all that much. He knew he overthought a lot of things, and yet some thoughts are just worth thinking over.
He wondered what small thing would make him stand out from all the others whom Yaori had always avoided. He began thinking about it. After scrolling through his brain for a few ideas, he found something that might just work. One of the only things that can catch the attention of a bookworm similar to him. And that was a discussion about books. But first, he had to get a grasp on what Yaori had thought of the book. And to do so, he took action.
''Um- Y-Yamada-san?'' He slowly approached Yaori, leaning from his desk.
''Hmm?'' Yaori took her eyes off her book and glanced at Raichi. ''Oh- S-Sato-kun, was it?''
''Y-Yeah, I... I had a question about the book you were reading.''
''Oh, this...?'' She looked back at the book in her hands. ''It is one of my favourite books, if not my favourite.''
''You like it?''
''I-I do. It is very deep. I feel... Connected to it.''
''It is quite lengthy.''
''Yeah... I love stories like this. It feels like the writer has inserted themselves into the book. It might come off as... Selfish or something, but it feels personal, and it makes me feel like relating to it.''
''I... Feel the same way.''
''Though... Sorry for turning the conversation a little too deep... I think I'll get back to reading.'' Yaori's words were quickly cut off by Raichi.
''W-Wait! I have something to show you.'' Raichi quickly started searching through his bookbag.
While looking through it, Yaori had taken a good look at his bag, looking intrigued. Her face lit up for a second. She saw all sorts of books through what little space she could see while Raichi was looking for whatever he was searching for.
''Here.'' He put his hand out with the book he had brought out. It was the book he had been reading earlier, his favourite. Sure he may have liked it, but there was an even better reason as to why he loved it.
''Oh... It's the same book.''
''Yeah. I also really love the book, too. It's my favourite book.''
''Feels good to see someone who likes this writer's work... I love them. They deserve every ounce of support they get.'' Yaori said genuinely with a gentle smile. Raichi had been caught off guard with a sudden cute smile. But he quickly brushed it off.
''I... agree, but there is something else. A different reason as to why I love it.'' Raichi interjected.
''Wh-What is it?'' Yaori asked curiously.
''Here, take it and look at the first page.'' Raichi requested, and Yaori did as told, but she looked spectical.
She lifted her hand and slowly traced the page. Looking at the top left corner of said page, she saw something very interesting. Her eyes immediately lit up at the sight. It was the author's sign. When he was little, Raichi had gone to a convention with his mother. And there, he had seen the rising author, still trying to rise through the ranks by selling there.
He had already known about them and bought a copy. He knew this was the best chance to get it signed somehow, so he had convinced his mother to get in the line.
And there, seeing little Raichi already with a copy, the author had signed it per his request. It wasn't a signing booth or anything like it. This was something personal he had gotten the author to do, so it had personal value to him.
''N-No way...!'' Yaori said with a bright expression.
''Yep. I still remember that day. The day I had gotten this signed... It was the best moment of my life yet.''
''It must feel great...''
''It does.''
He smiled down at his book. But looking back towards Yaori, he could see a hint of sorrow. He could tell Yaori would have liked to have one of her own like this. He didn't mean to show off or something along those lines. He just thought it might be the only way to somehow get noticed. Not meaning to ruin her mood like this, Raichi had to quickly think of a solution.
Meanwhile, Hiroshi and Haruki were witnessing everything going on further away. Hiroshi had a confident smirk on his face. He had read his friend like a book. He knew Raichi would eventually try and talk to Yaori. He knew of their alike nature and knew it would be the common ground for them. The thing that differentiated Raichi from everyone else was his introverted nature. Meaning that getting along would be a lot easier. And best of all, he had done all of it of his own will. Hiroshi's teasing had failed. This was something Raichi had done himself. But in a way, the teasing was the catalyst.
"Wow Kimura-kun, what have you done to have accomplished something like this?" Haruki wondered.
"Nothing. This is something he did himself. I was just the ladder."
"You're one interesting person, Kimura-kun." He complimented.
"Uh, thanks. But don't distract us, we gotta keep listening!"
"If you say so."
Raichi had once again started looking through his mind for solutions. He knew he might regret it, but he didn't have the heart to leave someone sad. It was his fault that she had gotten this way, so he wanted to better himself. Once he decided to go along with it, he spoke up.
"Say, I do have an idea."
"Wh-What is it?"
''You can have it if you'd like to," Raichi said. "I know you would like it."
"Wait, what?" Yaori blinked dramatically and backed away slightly in response.
"But... I thought this was your favourite book..."
"It still is. The sign is just a bonus. I've read it many times, so it is okay.''
''A-Are you sure? But you said you felt the same way about the book and stuff... I can tell it makes you very happy.''
''Yeah. You can have it...'' Oh no. Oh crap.
Raichi had realised something. After reading it for the longest time, he highlighted his favourite parts with a highlighter and left personal notes that revealed a lot about his personal life. And if those notes were read by someone other than him, it would very much be embarrassing.
He couldn't decide whether he should be straightforward and tell her about the notes, or hide them. But he thought that if she was anything like him, she was bound to pick the book up again like he does, and eventually see the notes. After considering the options, the former might turn out to be the better choice. But before he could proceed...
''Um- Sato-kun...'' She said with an adorable and serious face.
''Yeah, what is it?''
''I feel that it is unfair of me to take this book from you like this. I'd like for you to at least have mine.''
Raichi, who hadn't expected this development, looked back in expectance.
''I have also had this for a long time, but that is okay. I can't afford to not pay back this kindness.'' She insisted, putting her clenched hands in front of her chest.
''I know you feel like that, but... Do know, you don't have a responsibility to do so.''
''No, please just take it!'' She bashfully handed him the book. So he had no choice but to take it.
''Oh, O-Okay... Thank you.'' He said, scratching his back in the habit.
''I feel like I should be the one saying that...''
"No need to worry," said Raichi as he was about to return to his seat. Suddenly, he felt Yaori grabbing onto the hem of his uniform, indicating that she had something important to say. She looked embarrassed and blushing while speaking. "Um, I do have something important to say," Yaori said.
Raichi asked, "Is something wrong?"
Yaori hesitated before continuing, "You see, the book of mine had a lot of personal notes in it..." Raichi was surprised to hear this coming from Yaori's mouth instead of his own. He had almost forgotten to tell her about having personal notes in his book. It was interesting to have something like this in common. Without realizing it, he snickered a little. Yaori saw it and quickly turned her back, pouting and asking, "What are you laughing at...?"
Raichi apologized and said, "I'm sorry. I must have been laughing at myself." When Yaori asked for clarification, Raichi admitted, "I had the same thing to say. I also have personal notes in my book."
Yaori was surprised and asked, "Um, what kind of personal notes do you have in there?"
"The personal kind," Raichi said bashfully. "I was planning on addressing it before you wanted to give me yours."
Yaori smiled sweetly and said, "Hehe. Same here..."
The conversation was quickly halted by the ring of the bell. So the conversation had come to an abrupt and awkward end. But overall, it ended on a sweet note and Raichi believed this to be a great success. He thought he might've managed to make a breakthrough in his attempts at socializing. Hiroshi could only watch in excitement. While he was sitting there, Hara came around to find Hiroshi and Haruki a lot more excited than usual. Confused, she had confronted them.
"I feel like I came across something I shouldn't..." Hara said.
"Well, you came across something you wouldn't."
"What is the reason behind your expression right now? I'm curious." She asked.
"Heh. Raichi-kun willingly spoke with Yamada-san." He said, smirking all the while.
"Wait really?" Hara stood back in astonishment.
She hadn't believed in Hiroshi's teasing. She thought it also didn't make a difference whether Raichi was trying to be social or not. He was still one of her friends. Possibly the closest she ever had. As long as they were close, it did not matter to her. She knew she liked to shoot that fact in his face, but in the end, it was all just jokes. Looking at her expression, Haruki could see a faint of jealousy. And it was showing.
"Oh~? Is there something you also wish to say, Suzuki-chan?" Haruki teased, wagging his finger.
"Well, okay then."
"Hehe." Hiroshi chuckled. "Why not go approach him?"
"Sure. I am down."
"Although, Yamada-san is still there, remember? Let's save this for the end of the day."
The team had scattered for the remainder of the day. As Raichi was packing up his bag again, Hiroshi turned around toward him with a smirk on his face. And Hara had been looking at their general direction, visibly annoyed. Knowing exactly what he was about to say.
She also glanced towards Haruki, who had the same cool-headed face. She then glanced towards Yaori, who was usually engrossed in reading, she could see a look of expectation and no book in her hand.
Maybe she was waiting for something or even someone. Although, there was no telling what was going to happen. As the bell rang, the two boys rushed up to him.
When they had come over, Hara could see that Yaori shook for a second. Then, with a saddened expression on her face, she slowly walked away and left.
Hara looked at Yaori and saw her look back. But it was as if Yaori's eyes were looking through her. Because they weren't looking at Hara. They were looking at Raichi.
Hara perfectly understood just what Yaori had been waiting for. However, to her dismay, the two friends had swarmed the bookworm she had just wanted to speak to. Technically speaking, she knew that this was considered speaking behind her back, whether it was positive, neutral, or negative.
Hara had felt very bad for her. But before she could even say anything, Yaori had already left. Seeing that there is nothing else she can do, she also joins the rest of the group, who eventually settle on walking home together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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