Secret Behind Capital Letters

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Have you ever seen those wall decorations with the alphabet on them, normally hung up in elementary classrooms? What version of the letter comes first? Normally it goes Aa, Bb, Cc, and so forth. This is a very intentional decision to show supremacy between the classes of the letters. This is why the capital letters are maniacal, capitalist, monsters.

Where else to start but the most obvious, capitalist has capital in the name. Google defines capital in the alphabet as "large in size and of the form used to begin sentences and names." Now this is true but it's impossible to notice that there are many definitions of capital, one that I want to bring attention to is "wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization..." From that information, we can get an idea that capital letters are the wealthy population of the alphabet economy. This nicely connects to capitalism as maybe the alphabet economy is capitalist.

Now there's the issue, how is there an alphabet economy? Well, if the capital letters are the wealthy, how would there be wealth without an economy among the alphabet? Anyways, before the modern Latin script we use today, the closest we got was the Romans. We all know that the Romans were wealthy so there is a connection there.

This is where things are going to start getting crazy, remember the alphabet on the wall? This increases alphabet population since we've established they do have a community, and who mass produces these? None other than us, humans, their gods. Us and the capital letters are in cahoots. Think about our writing system, everything that we write to identify fellow humans at the forefront is a capital letter. Initials and stuff like that all have capital letters. Places as well they all have capital letters at the front. Every noun in the English language all use capital letters, showcasing their dominance.

What would we get out of manufacturing the alphabet like this? Well, the alphabet pays the English governments off. Its dirty money, so they have to slowly launder it which is why some governments haven't been able to pay debt.

Capital letters are the rulers of the alphabet while the rest of the alphabet are thrown to the side, sure, they're included in most of the words even in this document right here. But, when you think of the letter A, which version do you think of? The capital letters are masterminds behind the scenes, they are able to control absolutely everything, and we won't do anything because we have nothing to gain by helping out the lowercase letters. This is sad, to be sure, but its the truth.


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