three ~ tea

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It has been two weeks since my dinner with Kieran, and I have only taken a few awkward strolls through the park with him since. 

Kieran and I have not gotten any closer than we were as kids in these past few weeks. He tries, and I try, but everything is too awkward now. 

I know that we need to look like a couple. Mafias thrive off of powerful relationships. If the head of a mafia is weak, then the mafia crumbles. 

In that time, I have occupied myself with meaningless tasks that I am certain I will be engaging in religiously when I am married. I even joined a book club in Kieran's town. 

Scarlett arrived yesterday, wielding so much luggage I would've thought she'd been moved back home. Father and Emerson appeared from their separate training home an hour after her. 

The wedding is tomorrow. I was only informed a week ago that the date had been upped. I suppose the bride needs to know little, isn't that so? 

Mother booked an appointment at an elegant spa. Scarlett was graced with the opportunity to tag along, so of course she wholeheartedly accepted. 

I sit in the white plush chair, wrapped in a lush robe. A woman massages my face and neck, and another paints my nails. 

Mother told me that to be energized and refreshed for the wedding, I'll need many lotions and oils put onto my hair and into my skin. 

Scarlett and Mother sit on opposite sides of me. Scarlett is in pure bliss right now, judging by her closed eyes and wide smile. Her nails are even getting painted a light pink. 

"Aren't you so excited, Ammy? You're going to be a princess! A real one! In a big castle! It'll be like a fairytale book. Won't it, Mummy?" Scarlett rambles. 

Mother doesn't respond for a few moments. "Life is not a book, Scarlett. However, I believe you will be wonderfully happy with your husband, Amandine." 

I stay silent for a moment. "Yes, Mother. I'm sure." 


Back at O'Ryan Manor, I busy myself with more mundane tasks— such as packing. Even though there are many maids, I needed something to fill my hours with. 

The majority of my items have already been shipped to Lexington House, but I still have a good amount of personal belongings that have remained untouched. 

I pick up one of my blouses. The door opens behind me. I spin around on my heel and see Scarlett, who's holding a long, white box wrapped in red ribbon. 

She smiles at me. "This came just a few moments ago! I believe it's your wedding dress. A maid was bringing it up, but I said I could instead." 

"Oh, how lovely," I sigh with minimal enthusiasm, seeing as only Scarlett is here. I take the box from her hands, and set it down on my silk comforter. 

Inside the box, a majestic, white gown waits. It's packaged neatly and carefully, patiently resting until its owner shows it off to the world. 

Beside me, Scarlett squeals with delight. "Oh, my! Look at that lovely dress, Ammy! Everyone will certainly believe you are a princess now." 

I flash her a smile. "Yes, I'm sure. Would you like to watch a movie with me, Scarlett? Seeing as tomorrow is my wedding?" 

She immediately squeals and nods. Scarlett hops onto my bed and she curls her legs underneath her body, staring at me expectantly. 

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