20 | Kento | Tick Tock

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Kento wasn't an early riser.

He woke up as late as he needed to get to work on time. If he had it his way, he'd sleep in and wake up whenever he wanted without the weight of expectations on his shoulders. A vacation was heavenly, yet he rarely got one. 

Kuantan, Malaysia sounds good. He thought as he stood outside the bakery. Kento knocked on the glass as if the closed sign hung on the door didn't mean anything. Birds chirped in the early morning haze, the golden glint of sunlight dancing on his hair, casting it into golden locks like tamed fire. Shiori opened the door after recognising the tall man.

"If you were anyone else, I'd have told you to go away." She joked, letting him into the quaint building.

Kento gave her a polite nod. "Is Y/N here?" 

"Always." Shiori had the chance to answer before a voice called out from the kitchen.

"Did you call my name?" As if on cue, Y/N walked in, dusting her hands on her apron. Something about her looked different, he couldn't tell what, but as her head tilted down to properly clean her hands, strands of her hair fell onto the sides of her face, a small grimace at the feeling crossing her lips.

Just as her E/C eyes met his, Kento's neutral expression changing into a smile as he said, "I did." 

"You're here early." Y/N spoke, her discomfort changing into a relieved grin. "That reminds me, my lovely food tester." She disappeared behind the counter again.

Shiori snickered. "She's been in a tizzy recently. I knew she was a perfectionist, but these days, it's gotten worse, and it's because of you, Mr?"

Kento's heart skipped a beat. "Kento. Kento Nanami."

"Well, Mr. Kento Nanami, whatever you've done to Y/N, I'm not complaining. It's cute seeing her fret over you."

"She frets over me?"

Y/N walked back to the counter, once again garnering his attention. She was already chatting away as she set a tray on the table, mentioning how despite taking into account of humidity, there was still something missing.

"Is Keith still there?" Shiori asked. With Y/N's nod, she disappeared into the kitchen as well.

As Kento took yet another macaron piece, he noticed Y/N watching him intently. When she realized he caught her looking, she turned away quickly, bringing a wry smirk to his lips. He just couldn't resist. "Look at me." He said, not unkindly.

A beat passes, before she tilted her head up, chewing on her lip. Was that a hint of nervousness in her eye? "You like it?" 

"Always do, dear."

"I made these in a hurry since the buyers were coming today."

"They're coming?" 

"Well... they're already here."

He had thought the conversation tucked further into the bakery was between Shiori and Keith, but now that he focused, he could make out a third voice. It wasn't the owner's either, so that left it clear who it was. Y/N's hands twisted together nervously. He had an urge to grab them, engulf her with warmth and comfort, but he didn't.

"You'll nail your recipe in the way you want." 

"I want?" Her eyes scrunched. The blue of her outfit crinkled as she leaned against the counter. 

"You already nail it in every other way."  

"You flatter me." 

"I don't flatter. I'm merely stating the truth." He sighed, glancing at the kitchen door, envisioning another sleazy man in a harshly pressed suit like his boss negotiate unfairly with those deemed lesser. They weren't lesser. In fact, it was unfair how the world suddenly declared things to be one way, and that was how it ends. 

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