Jay, Get the gun .

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(Yes the title is referencing Jeff's backstory :> IDC IF ITS CREEPYPASTA IM ADDING IT IN.)

"Cmon. You guys look around for NOT expired food, I'll get this dresser down.."

Y/N kicked the dresser as hard as they could. From it fell a bat and a box of nails, as well as a hammer.

"I found a first aid kit!!"
Brian expelled

"I'll help you in a minute.."
Y/N sighed

"I can help him!"
Tim said, trying to help at least a bit.

y/n rolled either eyes and walked into the kitchen, they found a note on the fridge.

"I found a note."

"Well, what dose it say?"
Brian said, holding in his pain.

"Look in the drawer. There should be three knifes for self defence. Trust me, you'll need them.

"Should we get them?"
Brian asked

"No duh, countywide."

"That's such a random insult-"
Brian hissed back

"I'm saying your as wide as a country . And your music taste sucks ."

"Oh" :_(

"I'll find a better insult later."

"Yeah. Anyways, I'll grab the Knifes and hammer the nails into the bat, sound good?"

Time skippp

"Ok, I'm finished."

"Well, we got the knifes . Now what's your name . You promised us you would tell us it."

"I-I'm Y/N." Y/N said , slightly looking to the ground , at their shoes. Their shoes had splattered blood on them. The dark blue had turned into dark red and rotten brown blood.

The blood was dripping from their fingers. They looked at their hand as a proxy symbol was carved into it.

"The... operator? I thought this was behind Jay?"

"It is."

A familiar voice said, as they walked into the living room. Tim and Brian got the knifes as they threatened him with them.

Jay slowly walked in as Y/N raised their bat .


Y/N yelled as loud as they could . They felt the fear running through their body.

All you could hear was the heavy breathing of Ace . You could see the peer face of rage on Brian and Tim's face.

Tim screamed , seeming annoyed.

"Didnt you miss me~ I sure missed you~"
Skully said as he rubbed the tip of the gun

"Too bad I can't have any proof of marble hornets showing."

Skully shot the gun at Tim.

Suddenly , Brian jumped in-front of him.

When dose this end .. ? || marble hornets X reader|| unfinished Where stories live. Discover now