Chapter 3

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It's been a few weeks since I fell from the sky and unto a ship of pirates. From what I heard about pirates, they're supposed to be vicious, but these guys are different. They are noisy and a bit too friendly for pirates. Even though these new friends of mine are friendly, they seem very notorious. In the short time I've been around, we have sunk a few Marine ships. Nami informed me of how the different concepts in their world work, and I got a general understanding of things. I was always good at adapting to things in my world, so I'll be just fine in this place. Besides, life here sounds fun. It sure beats fighting curses all day every day.

We stopped at an island and I bought a bunch of cute new clothes to wear while I'm here. Now you might be wondering how I bought those clothes when I had no money on me, and since they obviously don't take cards here, right? Well, let me tell you what happened when we got on the island. I was walking the town with Luffy ( because he wanted to go find food and he invited me to come along and so I did) meanwhile Nami and Robin went shopping for some things, Sanji and Chopper went grocery shopping, Usopp went somewhere and the others stayed on the ship.

" Luffy. Why did you ask me to be on your crew without even knowing me."

" Huh? I just think that being a Jujutsu Sorcerer sounds really cool. You also seemed like you really wanted to find your friends, and I know what that feels like, so I wanna help."

"Thank you, You are a nice pirate." I smiled, and he returned it with the widest grin along with a chuckle.

We walked into a lounge to check it out. I turned to luffy when we stepped in, but he wasn't there. I looked around, trying to see where he went, and he was already at the counter asking for food. 'I hope he has money because I don't.' I could see some drunk fool was drooling looking at me, 'urghh'. I smirked. He didn't look bad and he also looked like he had money on him, so I went over to where he was and sat with him, gave him an empty compliment, snagged his wallet, let him have a taste of some cursed energy and walked away. Of course, he fainted as soon as my cursed energy touched him, and the people around him were looking at me in shock as I walked away. When I came back to the counter Luffy already ate a bunch of food and he was leaning back in the chair with his stomach stretched to be bigger than humanly possible while the owner just looked at him in shock and amazement. 'How can one person eat so much? ' I thought, looking at his stomach.

"Oh hey, Mioko. Where did you go?"

" I was doing something. Are you done eating?"

" Yeah! Aren't you going to eat too?"

" No, I'd rather go shopping."

He got down from the chair and started to walk away, so I followed him, but we were stopped by the voice of the owner.

" Hey, aren't you pirates gonna pay?"

I looked at Luffy, and he looked at me. I walked back and took some money out of the newly stolen wallet and paid for the food.

" I didn't know you had money?"

' Uh, he came here to eat knowing we didn't have money? Such are the activities of pirates, I guess.' I sighed in my thoughts.

"I didn't. I grabbed it from them."
I looked around to where my victim was with his friends. They looked angry with weapons in hand, and they were staring at me. 'oh shit.'

"They don't look too happy."

" Yeah. Let's... get out of here. Why don't we?"

He nodded in response while we ran out of there. They were right behind us.

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