rise of man

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in a town filed with peopel
ghere was once a peron who kilt uce ayne partents
uce ayne was sad becous his partents were died :((
so his buttler name was gabriel
gabriel took him in ans one day he want avenge his partents
so he became man.

jonkler fite him becouse of this
but man easly defeeated jonkler
man want wrold without criem so he got rid off all black beople
Amogus say "that sus black was not impostr"

But there waz stil crime...

jonkler am hiref debolos to fite man fro him
it waz lot harter to fight debolos than it waz 2 fite jonkler becous jonkler waz easily to beat
debolso was nothging like jonklerr jonkler was maen and dint have secret lov for man
amogus wrok with uce ayne at wroke
ans hlep uce ayne bebome famous
ans they al votedddd man

Than everone freaked outed. That when Dillon come.

Dillon: lol so wired

Dillon act wired af and everyone vote him they think he impostr

Then they put him on rockt shap and they fly him to mar s
On Mars Dillon meet Dog
Dillon av sex wit dog
Dog say "please stop having sex with me"
until dick cam out and saiys
" hes not the impostor, it's all in your head If he was the impostor, then you'd be dead You're trying to frame him, stop holding your breath You're trying to catch him because you suspect him"
[7:02 PM]
then man said to jonkler
I'm taking the blame For the blood of a crew mate, no sir That's a big assumption to make I don't need this attention, not amusing Just wanna be left alone and do this O2 thing I'm not explaining a thing to you, stop standing in my way Purple can vouch for me, she giving me high praise But blue, he's a bit confusing Saw him standing at the drill, staring at a blue screen Excuse me, like who's he? Really think he fooling This dude schemes, did y'all hear that? Who screamed? You see, I am not the one doing the killing Defending against you rude creeps I find it funny that you believing in anything that blue speaks So I'ma call you sheep One sheep, two sheep, whoa, wait a minute, blue's deceased I know I'm the one that blamed blue but truly.
ans dillon keep having segs with the dog.

Then jonkler say "I'm definitely not an Impostor
If I was then I wouldn't be one, 'cause I'm not one
Even if I was I wouldn't say that I wasn't
'Cause I'm not, it's impossible, implausible
I'm an Impostor, impostor, obviously, I'm not an Impostor
Honest to God, I should toss y'all like a rotten salad
Any evidence against me far from valid
Like I'd never snap your neck or stab your back
Or crawl up through the smallest vent, attack
An impostor's a role I could never fulfill
If you don't believe me ask the guy that I just killed
Oh my God, body reported, R.I.P Orange
Look at this crime, it's so horrid and morbid
Tragic, but let's not linger
Definitely wasn't me, wanna point fingers?"
And Dillon have more segs wit dog
dillon kept having more segs wit the dog. untie hair gut wakked out in
ans saidsss "niggre"
ans strated rapping the dog.
Dog say "please stop having sex with me" but dillon not stop and dat when B1 Battle Droid showed uped

B1 Battle Droid: roger roger
Dillon: feel good do more lol
Dog: please this violation of my anus is not pleasant i would prefer if you were to remove your reproductive organ.
B1 Battle Droid: attack!!

B1 Battle droid shooted dillon in face wit his gun laser blaster tingy and Dillon fall overed

Dillon: ow lol not feel good
Dog: thank you for saving me metalic organism
B1 Battle Droid: Roger Roger

ans then the skul wakk out and todl jonkler to stop accussing man of being the imposisiter becousr he was the impsoter and mans tries so epxolode the skul only failing in destroyeding the skul.
the skul was to stronk for man utnil amogus te amed with man
and dick te amed with man too
ands they dedroy the skul.
ans thre n debolos strated spining exploding amogus and the B1 Battle Droid. :(((

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