Lower deck

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Me & Sora walked away Silent, Awkward. I wasn't sure if he was mad or sad or something other, all I knew was we were heading to the lower deck & Sora had the camera. When we got there I noticed something seemed off... like the energy or something? I'm not a professional but I think Sora noticed too, we look at each other a bit of fear in both our eyes. I set up motion detectors on the right & he set some up on the left & in the middle, we both decided that if we were gonna do this we were gonna do it right.  As I sit down a few feet in front of 1 he sits down a few feet away from me, ever since we gotten on this ship he's been less & less "Sora". We start talking to spirts & I start to feel queasier & queasier by the second until I can barely see the detector in front of me "S-Sora..." I start to say. He looks over & notices my expression I try to stand but it's hard to keep my balance "Jaxx are you okay?" "I-I don't-" I start, Just then the room goes dark I've blacked out.


While I was out Sora ran for the doors to go get Alex, Levi, Anybody who could help. He soon came back with Alex she felt my pulse "He's still breathing, What caused this?" followed by a "Come on Sora!" he had stood there in shock worried. I felt his presence as he had sat down on a couch with me on his lap awaiting The rest of the squad's return. not long after the whole squad was there, Levi moved me off Sora's lap while he got up they began trying to awake me, "Ugh I should have known I should have said something- I knew there was something off about the lower deck!" Sora mumbled. He had been feeling queasy too but wouldn't tell, Charli stood beside him deep in thought, then there was a loud breathing coming from the back. I had been awake but not ready to speak it was like being drowned. "Jaxx!" I heard from all members including Candi, After a long talk about it Alex came to the conclusion that we could not explore on the lower deck no more.


Sorry for the Delay   

 Remember "Always  have Fun & don't be Delusional!" --Jaxx1sF1uff ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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