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"Finally! Have you seen Chan?" Felix asked. "No," I said, maybe a bit too fast because he looked at me suspiciously. "What were you doing in your room? Because I searched every other room in this apartment, and he wasn't in any of them," Felix said. "I was doing nothing!" I defended myself. "And Chan?" Felix asked. "I don't know where he is! Jesus Felix, you are so annoying!" I rolled my eyes.

"Then tell me what you were doing!" he demanded. "Masturbating!" I yelled at him. His face turned red immediately. "I did not want to know that," he mumbled. "Well, you asked so now deal with it!" I said, annoyed. Chan came into the living room as well. He had waited in my room for a bit, so it wouldn't be too suspicious if we came back at the same time.

"Where were you?" Felix asked. "In my room?" Chan said, confused. "No! I looked in your room!" Felix protested. "I don't know. Maybe you missed me between the toilet and my room?" Chan suggested. Felix seemed to consider that. "Yeah... maybe you're right. Anyways, wanna go to Starbucks with us?" he said. "Sure," Chan said and looked at me. "Nice shirt," he smirked.

I thought about how he just pulled it over my head, knowing exactly what I was wearing under it. "Thanks," I mumbled, and my face turned red. "Stop flirting with my sister!" Felix joked. Chan just laughed. We left shortly after. I was walking between Chan and Felix, a beanie pulled down to my eyes and a face mask covering most of my face. I had pulled my long hair into a ponytail and hid it in my hoodie.

Well, it was Chan's hoodie. Luckily I could wear it without suspicion because I was wearing all the other boys' clothes occasionally. Normally I went for Jeongin's or Hyunjin's closet; Han had a few really nice pieces too, but before going out, I just took a plain black hoodie from Chan. I put the hood over my beanie. "You look like a guy," Felix remarked. "Great, no one will take pictures of me then," I answered.

Chan's hand brushed mine occasionally. "Maybe they'll think you are one of the other boys," Felix said. "Nah, she's too short," Chan remarked. "Well, you can't tell it's me so you two should make sure nobody is recognizing you!" I said. Felix laughed and pulled an arm around me, pulling me into his side. "Okay, now let's walk faster, little brother," he said and went faster.

We picked a table in a corner in the back and sat down. Felix went to the front to order, and I finally took off the hood and the beanie, opening my hair and shaking it a bit so it fell nicely. "It's so hot!" I groaned and took off the face mask. "I would love to take your clothes off, but unfortunately, it's not possible right now," Chan simply said, smirking at me.

"Stop it!" I said and pulled the hoodie over my head. "It's the truth!" he laughed. I shook my head. "My brother is here with us!" I said seriously. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll stop," he grinned. "I just can't help it... I can't stop thinking about what you're wearing underneath that little outfit of yours." "Is there any way you can come to my place tonight?" I pleaded.

He reached for my hand under the table. "Do you want me so bad?" he whispered. "Please, Channie, don't do that to me right now," I said and closed my eyes for a short moment. Then I looked towards Felix. He was standing in line, looking at his phone. Chan chuckled. "I guess I can try to sneak out tonight," he said. "I would love that," I mumbled. "Um... excuse me?" a girl walked to our table. Chan quickly let go of my hand. "Can we take a picture?"


"What did you tell them?" I asked, opening my front door. Chan did not answer me. He immediately pinned me up against the wall and put his lips on my hungrily. I slung my arms around him and pushed the door closed with my foot. "I don't want to talk," Chan murmured, "we can talk after we finally did this." "I agree," I whispered. He lifted me up and brought me to my bedroom, throwing me onto my bed. He pulled his shirt over his head and leaned over me. His lips landed on mine again. "Where did we stop the last time?" he asked. He pulled me up a little bit to pull my shirt over my head as well, throwing it to the floor immediately. "I thought you did not want to talk," I simply said, burrowing my fingers in his hair.

He chuckled. "I see you want me to hurry?" he asked. "Yes," I mumbled. He slowly kissed my neck again. "Hmm... I think you need to ask more nicely," he teased. I groaned. "Please stop teasing me!" I whined. His fingers started to tug at the waistband of my pants. "Just ask me to hurry up and I will," he mumbled. "Please, Chan, hurry up," I pleaded. He grinned before pulling down my pants and also threw them on the floor...


This chapter had like a full on smut part, but I felt so embarrassed by it that I deleted it💀 So the rest is open to your imagination I guess.

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