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Felix stormed into the living room. "Where is he?" he said. Felix was never angry, but now his face looked dark, and his hands were balled into fists. The boys looked up at him, surprised. His voice had dropped a few octaves. "Who?" Bangchan asked confused, coming out of the kitchen into the living room. I came running after Felix, tears on my face, grabbing his wrist. "No, please, Lixie! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" I sobbed.

"Wow, what's up?" Hyunjin asked, suddenly rising from the couch to come towards me, but Chan was faster. He just wanted to pull me into a hug when Felix removed his wrist from my grasp and pushed him slightly back. "Don't touch her! How dare you touch her?" he practically spat at him. "Felix, please! It's not like that!" I continued crying. Hyunjin came over to me, pulling me into a hug, but still watching the scene closely. I turned my head so I could see what the boys were doing, sobbing uncontrollably.

Chan looked so confused; I had to hide my grin. "Felix, calm down," Chan said. The other boys looked just as confused. "Calm down? How can I calm down when you're hooking up with my sister?" Felix screamed at him. Hyunjin stared down at me; I slightly pushed away from him to go towards Felix. "It's not like that, Lix!" I sobbed, again grabbing his wrist. "Wow, she's right, mate! We're not just hooking up!" Chan defended himself, taking a small step towards Felix.

"Yeah, what is it like then, huh?" Felix continued yelling. Chan looked nervously between me and the boys sitting on the sofa, who were all just staring at the scene. "Wait a minute, you two had sex?" Han asked confused. "It's not like that!" I yelled through tears. "Felix, I really like her! You know I never would do anything to hurt her!" Chan said, slowly stretching out his arms to put his hands on Felix's shoulders.

Felix pushed away his hands. "Don't touch me!" he yelled. "Please, Felix, let us talk. I can explain," Chan pleaded. I let my gaze wander to the boys. Minho was staring at me shocked. He certainly hadn't expected such a reaction from Felix. That was the moment when I couldn't keep it anymore. Minho's shocked face gave me the rest. I started to laugh uncontrollably. Felix looked at me for a moment, then he started to laugh with me. Everyone stared at us even more confused.

"What the hell is going on?" Chan asked. Felix put a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine, mate. Really. We were just playing you," he said in between laughter. "Wait, what? So you didn't really sleep with Lily?" Changbin asked confused. Chan looked at him without saying a word. "We just wanted to— you all should've seen your faces," I wheezed at this point. "So wait, you told him?" Chan asked confused.

"Yeah, he kind of guessed it," I said, wiping away the fake tears. "That's not funny! I was so worried when I saw you cry like that!" Chan exclaimed. "Yeah, I agree! I almost cried too!" Hyunjin said. "I'm sorry, guys," I said, calming down a little. "But so that we're clear, you're fine with us dating?" Chan asked Felix. "Yeah. But please don't do anything disgusting in front of me," Felix still laughed.

"Wait... you guys are dating for real?" Seungmin asked confused. "Yeah, I guess we are," Chan mumbled. "I thought that was just for the prank," Seungmin whispered to Jeongin. "That's so weird," Jeongin whispered back. "Oh, and Minho? I'm changing my Instagram name back," I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "That's absolutely not fair," Lee Know answered. "Watch me," I mumbled while pulling my phone out.

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