choose me or him

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"i was walking at the hallway on my way to school i see alot of students staring at me and i heard whisper. I just ignored them. and went up to my classroom and forget about what happen early.

Until i accidentally bumped to someone your lips and her we're almost touching and and you're eye's widen in shock you quickly stand's up and apologize "im sorry" as she look's at you "is fine" she said. and you looked at her it was an girl you quickly ran away and felt so embarrassed as you arrived at your classroom you take a seat from you're chair
While waiting because the class haven't started yet. You got bored so you decide to write at you're notebook while waiting you grab your notebook from your bag and started writing.

*Flashback your class has started until you saw the girl from earlier she entered your classroom and your teacher said she just got transferred here yesterday". she introduced herself her name was chaeyoung and your teacher let her seat Infront of the class.

As the teacher was discussing some lessons
at the board you we're listening so you won't miss anything.

A couple minutes later " the teacher said shes going to the principal's office she he back in a minute" as the teacher left your classmates starts to get so noisy and loud you got so annoyed but until you notice that chaeyoung was staring at you..until you look back at her she smiles and look's away you turned so red..and frustrated" as you smiled back.

"Headback" the teacher came back at the classroom and she said class was dismissed"

And you started packing you're things" until chaeyoung walks towards you "hey mind if we eat together dont worry my treat" she said
As you smiled "sure why not" you both we're walking together at the hallway on the way to the both takes a sit at the empty corner.

"Flashback" "you thank chaeyoung for the treat as she smiled at you "no problem anytime" she responsed "by the way can i have you're number chaeyoung said. You agree and hands her your phone "here she
Gave back you're phone" as she smiled well
Bye see you tomorrow" as chaeyoung left
You start's walking at you're apartment you
Arrived at the apartment you opened the door and sits at the couch"..

Chaeyoung's pov

Chaeyoung grab's her phone and texted mina
"Hi mina"


"wanna text?"

"Suree chae

*No ones pov
Mina had to go to sleep because it was getting late she messaged chaeyoung she had to go
Chaeyoung message back"sure see you tomorrow " chaeyoung said mina replied ok goodnight baby" as mina was offline "but chaeyoung blushes did she just called me

Nextmorning mina woke up from her bed she stand's up slowly and stretches her arms "she went at the bathroom and takes a quick shower and dried her self..of mina take's a look from the mirror she had mosquito bite on her neck "fuck" mina tried to make it gone but it wasn't working she starts getting panick..
And it was still at her neck she ignored it and get dressed".. in a white dress with black polka dots. As mina went downstairs to eat some breakfast.. Hannah cooks some fried eggs and bacon she placed the door on the plate..and started eating.

"Flashback" mina was walking on her way to school because the school is only close to her apartment..mina arrived until she bumped to an boy "it was Jeno her old crush" mina apologize and the boy smile's "are you alright"
He said. Mina response "no im the one who should apologize because I wasn't looking at the way" mina said. Jeno smirks "nah is fine"
He said. "By the way mina mind if we hangout?" Jeno said mina nods "ofcouse.

choose me or himWhere stories live. Discover now