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Author's POV

It was almost night when they finished dancing so their manager decided to eat outside because when they got home they would cook and their manager knew that they were tired so he decided they would eat outside at a restaurant with good food.

"Unnie, I want to eat, I'm very hungry" Rora said to her Asa unnie and leaned her head on Asa's shoulder "Me too Rora, we're almost there, just wait a little bit" Asa said to Rora and looked out the window.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the restaurant and sat down at their reserved table.

Ahyeon's POV

I was here next to Rami complaining because my girlfriend wasn't next to me because our manager didn't put us aside.

Seating Position:

Pharita-Ruka-Rami-Ahyeon, In front of us are Rora-Chiquita-Asa, I really want to be next to my girlfriend arghhh. Chiquita and Asa looked at me because Asa was feeding Chiquita, it should be me, I should be doing that to my girlfriend, I was jealous of what Asa was doing so I got up to go to the comfort room.

"Excuse me, I'll go to the comfort room first, I'm just going to pee" I said while looking at Chiquita and Asa badly and walked towards the comfort room. "Tsk. I should be next to Chiquita and not Asa arghh why isn't it allowed grrr" I whispered to myself and entered a cubicle closing the door with great force.

Chiquita's POV

I was surprised when Ahyeon unnie looked at me badly before she left for the comfort room so I followed her and I could see she was annoyed so I looked at Asa unnie.

"Unnie what happened to Ahyeon unnie?" I asked her in a whisper "Well, I don't know, she also looked at me glaring, I just fed you a kimchi" she told me in a whisper and when we realized what happened, and our eyes widened.

"Unnie, she's jealous because you fed me" I whispered to her and suddenly got nervous "I know Canny, follow her and apologize, I'm already out of that, your just like my sister she shouldn't be jealous" she said and tap my shoulder so I just nodded and stood up.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to the comfort room" I said and walked to the comfort room, when I got close I heard the sound of a cubicle door closing and I knew it was Ahyeon so I approached and knocked.

"There's someone here, go to the other cubicle" she said with annoyance so I chuckle and knocked again "What did I say there's someone here, so go to the other cubicle" she said again and I knew she was annoyed so I spoke.

"It's me babe, open the door please, let's talk, I know you're jealous of Asa unnie" I said softly, she didn't answer so I knocked again "Babe it's okay if you don't answer, you don't have to be jealous of Asa unnie because for me she is just my sister and I am loyal to you, you are the only one that I love, she just fed me kimchi and that's nothing, please babe talk to me, it's just the two of us here we can talk about it" I said and knocked again, I waited for her to speak but still nothing so I sighed and was about to leave when she held my hand.

"Don't leave yet, I'm sorry if I was jealous, I shouldn't be jealous but I really can't help it, I'm really sorry babe" she said while hugging me tightly so I hugged her back "Babe I only love you, remember that, no matter what happens I will only love you" I said while kissing her forehead "I will only love you too babe no matter what happens, we will not going to break up even Mr. Yang want us to separted" she said and kissed my lips.

I broke the kiss from her "Babe, maybe our manager will notice that we're taking so long here, go out first because you were the first to come hre" I said and kissed her cheek and she nodded then kissed my cheek too and left first, I waited a few more minutes then went out and returned to my seat.

Ahyeon's POV

I'm going back to our table and I approached Asa unnie "Unnie can I sit here please, let's exchange seats" I whispered to her and she nodded and moved to my seat so I sat in her seat and waited my girlfriend

I could see on her face that she was confused and at the same time happy and she sat next to me, so I held her hand under the table.

"Eat more babe, I don't want you to be hungry" I whispered in her ear and put pork and rice on her plate "Yes babe I will, thank you" she told me and ate what I put on her plate, I smiled and ate too.

After we ate and talked, we left the restaurant to go home because it was late and it was time for us to sleep, so we are now in the car looking out the window and no one is talking, maybe they are tired so no one is talking.

After a few minutes we arrived at our condo so I woke up Chiquita who fell asleep on my shoulder "Chiquita wake up, we're here" I said to her and patted her cheek, she woke up and stood up so I stood up and follow her.

When we got to the upstairs I held her hand, so she faced me and I hugged her "Good night babe, sleep well I love you" I said to her and kissed her cheek "Good night too babe, I love you more" she said and she gave me a peck kiss on my lips, I smiled and pushed her to the door of her room "Go to your room and sleep, I know you're tired" I said and she nodded "You too, go to your room and sleep, but before you sleep take a halfbath first" she told me so we entered our rooms together.

I took a half bath before going to sleep because my body was sticky, while I was soaking in the bathtub someone suddenly sent a message on my phone and I looked to see who it is but it's Chiquita  so I looked at it and read.

Chiquita 9:18 p.m

-Hi babe good night again, I'm done taking a halfbath and putting on my pajamas, I'm already lying in bed, I'm going to sleep now, bye I love you😘😍

I smiled when I read her message, she's really sweet, I'm falling for her even more.

Ahyeon 9:19 p.m

-Hello babe, I'm in the bathroom right now taking a halfbath, I'm about to finish here, good night babe , I'm going to sleep after I'm done here, I love you too❤️

I messaged her back, so I got up and rinsed, then went out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe only and walk to my walk-in closet and put on my nightgown, then lay on the bed, we had a tiring day, first I read a book until I fell asleep.

:Yan na muna guys, sorry ngayon lang nakapag update busy lang kase talaga sa school eh hehe.

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