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Ria was sick and tired of her family constantly hovering over her shoulder and fussing over her every move. She was glad she'd be leaving home for college in a week. The thought did make her nervous. It would be her first time leaving her home town. But the thought of staying with made her even more determined to leave.

Sure she'd be living her home and go to a whole new and unfamiliar place but atleast she'd have her friend Kayla. Plus, she could always come back and visit.

Her room was almost empty. Most of her stuff was already packed away in boxes and bags. She still needed to do more shopping though. Canada was a winter Wonderland filled with ice and snow and high chances of catching a cold.

"It's so exciting! Leaving home! Going to new places! Don't you think?" She asked Kayla. They were at the mall with their friends shopping for necessities. Atleast that's what they told themselves.

"I don't know. I'm anxious about leaving. What if I  get culture shock or accidently offend someone?" Kayla said her voice cracking the more she talked.

"You're going to Canada! The chances you offend someone is very slim." Tess said.

"Don't be to sure. I think they would be offended if someone doesn't like maple syrup." Camila said.

"I've never even tasted it! What if I'm allergic? I have a lot of allergies... What about my asthma attacks?" Kayla panicked.

"Hold up a minute! You've never had maple syrup? What do you eat pancakes and waffles with?" Cassia asked.

"Tea? Sometimes juice. But I do put like jam on top and fruits on the side." She said.

"I have pancakes with caramel syrup." Tess said.

"Anyway," Lilith said. "We need to stay focused. Shopping for higher education remember?"

"Right. We should probably check out." Cassia said. The girls went over to the check out and paid for all their stuff.

"We're done here. Let's get lunch." Camila said.

"Ooh actually, I don't feel like eating out." Kayla said honestly. "The nerves are getting to me."

"Neither do I. But it's not like we can just all go to our homes and find a delicious home cooked meal for six people." Cassia said.

Then they all turned to Tess. Her parents own the second best catering service in the whole state serving great cuisine from all over the world. They cooked from home and they always made extra just incase. They often went there to hang out but for the past few weeks, Tess didn't let anyone over because of her siblings.

"It's cool. You can come over. I fixed things up with them. Plus, my sister's at a friend's and my brother already went back to Illinois." She said.

"Aww! Now I'll never have the chance to see his handsome face in person again." Cassia said.

"What was the deal anyway? Why didn't you want us to see your siblings?" Kayla asked.

"We had a stupid argument and I got angry and embarrassed them infront of their friends one at a time and they wanted revenge." Tess said.

"Oh, Tess." Lilith started. "You already embarrass yourself infront of us all the time. You had nothing to worry about!"

They all piled into Lilith's hammer with their shopping bags and drove to Tess's house. The dogs started barking as Lilith tried to park outside the gate. As the group got out the barking stopped and was replaced with whining.

"Ay! Settle down. I'm coming in." Tess spoke to the dogs. They were three German shepherds that she had named Alex, Rex and Max. She opened the side door and the dogs swarmed around her legs.

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