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Five years. It has been five years since Ria moved to Canada and since then she has had seven regrets. Her first regret was not studying enough because now she was graduating with a mere B average. She could have done alot better if she had focused.

"Don't pout. It's okay. You're still graduating." Liam said trying to cheer her up.

"I'm not pouting! I'm just worried about Kayla. She's usually never late." She said adjusting her cap as she searched the large crowd looking for her friend.

"I'm sure she'll turn up. You just go on up there and graduate." He said.

"You make it sound so easy. My legs are shaking and I feel nauseous and my chest is squeezing." She clenched her chest.

"Now you know how I feel twenty four seven. Especially during surgery." Kayla said. She was holding a bouquet of congratulatory flowers. "Hello!"

"Oh, hey! You're here! Why did you take so long?" Ria asked.

"I was here a long time ago but then someone confused me for a volunteer and I had to help set up." She explained.

"You're too nice. Get a voice!" Ria chided her friend.

"Says you. You are literally so quiet, I can hardly hear you talk." Liam said.

It took Kayla all her will power not to laugh at his face. Ria is quiet but she always stands up for herself and has a long list of vulgar insults for anyone who makes her angry. Though they hardly here anything but the menacing look in her eyes make people think she's casting a curse on them.

"I think it's starting. You should probably go." Kayla said.

"You're right. Bye guys!" She said.

"Bye! Best wishes!" Kayla said.

"Good luck!" Liam said. "We should go get our seats." He told Kayla.

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute. I just have to grab a snack." She left him with the flowers.

Two hours later, the three met up again after the ceremony was over and made their way out of the hall together. "I can't believe we started together but you're now graduating before me. It's not fair!" Kayla complained.

"Serves you right for trying to be a doctor." Ria laughed.

"You say it like it's a bad thing. I just wanna help people." Kayla said.

"Well so do I. You're looking at a certified aviator and teacher." She said proudly.

"Do you want to be a teacher?" Liam asked.

"Are you crazy? Oh hell no! Kids are crazy. I wouldn't last a day! I'm better off as a child psychologist or counselor." Ria said. "Where are we going anyway?"

"I booked us a reservation at that new Italian place." Liam said. "You can come with us too Kayla."

"Oh! No, I wouldn't want to intrude. I already made plans with my other friend to go for ice-cream." Kayla said glancing at her watch. "Speaking of which, I got to go. Bye!" She left in a hurry again.

"I don't think she likes hanging out with me too much. Almost like she's afraid." Liam said.

"You think?" Ria asked sarcastically. The truth is Kayla doesn't like being around people at all because of her social anxiety. She can only spend time with certain people for prolonged periods of time.

The two got into their car and drove off to the restaurant. Ria subconsciously pulled out her phone and started scrolling through the pictures of her and Roy Parker.

"Why are you like this?" Liam asked her.

Ria sat straight and turned off her phone. "Keep your eyes on the road!" She said angrily.

"We're at a red light." Liam said. "It's been what? An year? You have to get over him." Roy and Ria had started dating two years ago. Ria was on cloud nine wearing rose tinted glasses so she failed to see that Roy wasn't as happy as she was.

They started growing more and more distant from each other and arguing a lot until they finally broke up a year ago. She still held on to the memories.

"I know but I just can't seem to move on. It's like I'm stuck in place while everyone has already moved on." She fiddled with her fingers.

"You know you always have me when you need someone." Liam offered.

"Thanks. I'll work on being normal again."

"You are normal. I shouldn't have been too hard on you. Don't stress about it, okay?" Liam said.

"Okay." Ria saidbut she couldn't shake the feeling she had to change and fast.

At the restaurant the two sat down at the table near the glass wall with a great view of town. "What do you want to eat? I think I'll go with the chicken pot." Liam browsed through the menu.

Ria was only half listening. Her eyes looked through all the items in the menu but she did not know what she was reading. Roy used to love Stromboli. With extra cheese on top. Ria thought.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter came by ready to take their orders.

"Yes, I'll have the chicken pot with a ceaser salad on the side. And Ria?" Liam handed over his menu to the waiter.

"Hmm? Stromboli with extra cheese." She said subconsciously. The waiter took her menu and left to the kitchen.

"I'm thinking of moving. I might go to Toronto because of my work but I'm not sure." Liam said. "What do you think? Ria?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah you should definitely go. Might be a nice change from this little town." Ria said.

"You sure? I wouldn't want to leave you here all alone."

"Don't worry about it. I'm an adult now. I can take care of myself. Besides, I got Kayla to keep me company until I'm ready to go back to the states." She waved it off.

"I'm still not sure. But if you think you'll be okay then fine. I'll consider it." He said. "What do you plan to do now that you've graduated? Get a job? Try a hobby?"

"None of that. I want to take a break. I've been working too hard." She said.

"That's true. We've hardly talked much and we live in the same house. I wonder how often you talk to that other friend of yours in Italy."

"You mean Lilith?"

"That's the one. Heard she opened up her own hothrough? That's good." He said.

Ria knew he didn't mean it but it kinda felt as if though he was saying that she wasn't good because she didn't throw herself straight into work again. But still she didn't want to go back to working straight away but she didn't want to be around the pressure of working even if it was unintentional.

That's when she got the brilliant idea to visit her friends in Italy.

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