Chapter 1: Oh Boy.

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Light is a fairly normal teenager living in a small town in the States. He goes to the local highschool, has friends, hobbies he enjoys, and people he would rather not be around. He also has the misfortune of being a monster in the eyes of the American government. This causes a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms that involve not being totally present in the real world.

Light has never been scared of death. If anything, he wants it more than anything. If not to escape the clutches of the cruel world, then to experience what comes after life.

It's a Sunday and Light's parents aren't home. When have they ever really been home, though? This has been a particularly rough week for him in an already hard enough life, so he decides that today is the day. His self-destructive habits surface as he grabs a knife and a bottle of whiskey before heading into the bathroom. He starts a bath with cold water, not really wanting the fresh dye in his hair to get ruined, and starts prepping for his final hours. Shaky hands open a bottle of painkillers and dumps a lot onto the counter. He opens the whiskey bottle before picking up the pills, swallowing them with the help of the alcohol. It burns for a minute, but the mind numbing feeling is worth it. With a plan in place, Light sets to carving words into his flesh. Phrases he had heard multiple times, and words that hurt more than the blade carving them. The previously white floor is stained with blood as he steps into the cold water of the bath, the water quickly turning red as well. He takes the bottle of whiskey and drinks until his mind is fog. He closes his eyes, and lets his head slowly sink beneath the surface of the water, letting the cold numb his body. He longer feels the pain, the sorrow, or the fear of life. He only feels the cold darkness, and he welcomes it with open arms.


The members of the Armed Detective Agency were prepared for a fight when a yellow glowing orb manifested in the main office space. What they weren't ready for was a 17 year old boy, wet and bleeding out, to appear from said yellow glowing orb. Unfortunately, Yosono was out of the office at the moment, and couldn't use her ability on the kid. Atsushi, Kunikida, and Dazai rush the boy to the nearest hospital, leaving the others to clean the blood and let the president know.


Beeping. Continuous and rhythmic like a heartbeat. 'So I survived' Light thinks dully, not opening his eyes yet. He knows he'll be met with the painful white of a hospital ceiling, and the worried faces of his parents or friends. Maybe both if he's unlucky. Even with his eyes closed, Light can tell that it's early afternoon just by the amount of sunlight going past his eyelids. At least the blankets are soft and the bed is nice. He wonders if he can just pretend to be asleep longer, but then he hears voices outside the room. The door opens, and Light hears six pairs of feet shuffle in. The nurse, or so he thinks, starts to speak. Light internally frowns because he can't understand the nurse. It's not that he can't hear the words, it's that the words are in a different language. He keeps his eyes closed and listens a little longer. After a minute or so, another voice, deep and calming, sounds from Light's left side. It's when the man says, "ありがとう" that Light recognizes the language as Japanese. 'Am I in Japan? How did I end up here?' Light thinks to himself. He decides that's enough pretending, and opens his eyes. Like he thought, he is met with a white ceiling. The nurse says something as she ushers the others out of the room before Light can see who they are. The nurse walks to the side of the bed, speaking in rapid Japanese, and does a series of different check-ups on Light. He blinks owlishly at the woman as she tends to him.

After a while, she helps him sit up on the bed and hands him a glass of water before walking out of the room. Light sits there dumbfounded, staring at the glass in his hands. The door opens again, and the nurse leads five other people into the room. Light instantly recognizes the people as Yosano Akikko, Nakajima Atsushi, Edogawa Ranpo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, and Edgar Allen Poe from Bungo Stray Dogs. Light's eyes widened in disbelief, a million thoughts running through his head. Most notably was the question of how he got here. Fukuzawa clears his throat, effectively snapping Light out of his spiraling thoughts. Light looks directly at the president of the Armed Detective Agency, waiting for something.

"私が言うことが分かりますか?" Fukuzawa asks calmly. When Light just blinks uncomprehendingly, the president nods and turns to Poe. Poe looks very nervous, and his voice is slightly shaky when he speaks.

"Mr. Fukuzawa was asking if you understood him." Light looks at the writer for a long moment before speaking.

"Yeah, uh, I don't know Japanese. Sorry." Light shrugs half-heartedly and drinks the water. Poe most likely passes on the message to the others when he speaks in Japanese. The nurse says something before leaving the room. Both Poe and Fukuzawa sit in chairs to the left of Light, while Atsushi, Yosano, and Ranpo sit in chairs on the right. Fukuzawa asks something, to which Poe translates.

"What is your name?" Light thinks about it for a moment. 'Should I tell them my name? I don't exist in this universe, so I could lie about it, but they are detectives. They would be able to tell if I lie.' Light sighs a little, and speaks.

"My name is Light." Poe once again passes on the information to the others. Everyone nods, and the president says something else.

"How did you end up in the office of the Armed Detective Agency?" Poe translates. Light blinks a few times. He wound up in the ADA's office?

"I don't know." Light says. Poe doesn't even bother translating Light's words before speaking again.

"Wait, what do you mean you don't know?" The man asks, genuinely confused. Light shrugs a little as he drinks more of the water.

"I mean I don't know. One moment I was trying to kill myself and the next I'm in a hospital. I legit don't know how I got here." Poe stiffens in his seat, and Light can imagine his eyes going wide. The writer passes along the information in a hushed voice, to which the others in the room also stiffen in their seats. They all leave the room quickly, leaving Light alone in the room once more. He decides to finish the glass of water in his hands before looking around the hospital room.

It's very similar to the hospitals in his universe. White everything and a small TV playing some show. Light sees that he's hooked to an IV, a heart monitor, and some other machinery he isn't quite sure of. He wonders how long he's been unconscious, how his family and friends back in his universe are handling his disappearance. Does he want to go back? No, not really. After a few more minutes, Light wasn't really sure how much time has passed, the door opens again. Poe walks in, and speaks.

"Mr. Fukuzawa wants to know if you want to join the Armed Detective Agency." Light sits there, dumbfounded. Him? A detective? He mulls it over for a minute, and then nods.

"Sure, why not?"

Author Notes:
This does not have a set update schedule, so please don't be disappointed. Got the title from Meteor Shower by Cavetown. If you are struggling, please get help and don't resort to writing fanfiction as therapy like I am. I have not tired the method used in this chapter, so don't worry about that. Anyway, see you all next chapter if I write it <3

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 20 ⏰

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