Chapter 12: Activating the self-destruct, goodbye Nostromo, killing the alien

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Ripley and the heroes are running through the hallways, grunting and panting as they run, knowing that they're the only ones left on the ship now, alone with the alien. They all stop, catching their breath. 

Sora: Oh, gosh, everybody's dead. We're the only ones left here. 

Winter: Ripley, you need to activate the self-destruct, now.

Ripley nods, and they go into a room where the power box is located. Sora contacts the others from the shuttle and their ship. 

Sora: Guys, the alien is now on the move. Lambert and Parker have both been killed. We're getting out of here right now. Ripley is setting off the self-destruct on the ship. 

Donald on radio: Roger that, Sora. The ship is getting ready for take-off. 

Sora: Riku, get the others back to our ship. We are leaving. 

Riku on radio: Copy.

They watch as Ripley is now turning on the self-destruct system. A square metallic hatch opens, and she lifts it up. Underneath the hatch are words that say, "Danger, emergency destruction system. On activation ship will detonate in T minus 10 minutes. Failsafe warning: Cut-off system will not operate after T minus 5 minutes." Ripley runs her finger along the instructions of the self-destruct mechanism before getting to work. She pushes some buttons, which unlocks the bolt keys for the cylinders. Ripley takes one, and screws it into its subsequent hole, pulling out a metal cylinder from the larger one. On the cylinder, is a small panel which she slips open. Inside is a button, which she presses, and a red light comes on before she closes the panel, and the cylinder is turned on. Winter helps her out. Ripley has a grimace look on her face as she struggles to hold back tears of stress and grief over her dead crewmates. Ruby sees this, and hugs her to comfort her. Ripley is surprised, but slowly hugs her back. She pats her back.

Ruby: You okay?

Ripley: Yeah. But you know, you remind me of my daughter. 

Sora: You have a daughter? 

Ripley: Yes. Her name is Amanda. I always call her Amy. I really want to get home to her.

Winter: And you will. We'll help you get back to her. 

After they finish turning on the cylinders, Mother's voice is heard as the alarm blares.

Mother: Danger. The emergency destruct system is now activated. The ship will detonate in "T" minus...10 minutes. 

All the monitors around the ship come on, showing a flashing red x and a countdown. Everyone looks at each other as steam exhaust from the ship's coolant system from vents all around them. They all make a run for it. 

Mother: The option to override automatic detonation expires in "T" minus five minutes. 

Sora: Let's get out of here!

They all run down the hall to make it to the ship. The alarm continues. They make it to the storage area as they climb down a ladder. As they do, they hear something. Like a groan. But it wasn't from the the alien. It almost sounded...human. They reach down below, and look around. Ruby holds Zwei in her arms, and Winter keeps her sister by her. More groaning is heard nearby. They walk in further, with only the flamethrower as their only light. On the walls, they find a strange material strung along the wall like a cobweb of flesh and bone, al resembling the alien in design. Ripley and Ruby touches it. It feels smooth, yet rigid at the same time, and it's wet with humidity and what had to have been the alien's secretions. 

Ruby: What is this stuff?

Weiss: It looks like the walls we saw on the alien ship back on the planet. 

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