Chapter 1 (She's a total badass)

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A/N: This book is a fan-fiction. Therefore All these characters except Kiri Ichinohe are not mine and belong to MHA, enjoy!

(TW: swearing, violence) <— Just in case anyone doesn't like these

(Kiri POV)

"This was it!" She thought, "Class 1A, I'll prove I can be better than him-". "MOVE IT EXTRA" Her train of thought was quickly cut off by a spiky-haired dude shoving her aside. Kiri glared at him, bringing her wings out to push him away, flip him off, and close the door in his face.

She proceeded to set her bag down next to the only free desk, ignoring the conversation around the classroom. She noticed a cute dual hair colored boy with a scar on his face staring at her. "Hm, strange, he must be shy. He is so cute yet no one's talking to him, maybe I could be his friend?"

Suddenly the door flew off its hinges with a loud bang, the spiky blond boy was back, this time with his quirk "SHOW YOURSELF YOU SHITTY PIGEON, AND FIGHT ME!

Kiri calmly walked across the room, drowning out her worries about the classroom with a few battle tactics "OK?' She said hesitantly, "DON'T YOU OK ME," The blond yelled, charging at her with his fists "NOW DIE!"

this fight was pretty one-sided it turned out. Consisting of Kiri dodging all his quirk-enhanced punches and slapping him silly with her wings. Eventually, she had him on the ground with one foot on his chest. "That was quite rude of you, I would like to continue this fight but I'm worried about property damage. So please, leave me alone or fight me somewhere more appropriate.

He stared at her, shocked. When Kiri finally removed her boot he just laid there. Flat on the ground. Kiri cringed "Not the best way to make friends, but most people won't randomly pick fights with me now?" Hearing footsteps she spun around, expecting another attack from an enraged friend. But it was a smiling green-haired boy "Hi! I'm Izuku Midorya, I think what you did back there was incredible! How were you able to dodge all his attacks like that? Can we be friends? What's your name?"

Kiri looked at him confused "Hi? Umm please slow down, I'm sorry but I can't answer all your questions at once. Plus, shouldn't you be attacking me right now?

Midorya stopped. "No, why would I? You just beat one of the best in class in 5 minutes, I don't even think Todoroki-Kun could do that. Also, Bakugo has a lot of anger issues, so this kind of thing is pretty normal. Sorry for firing all these questions at you, I just get excited sometimes.

Kiri giggled "No sweat, but I'd like to take up your offer of friends. My name is Kiri Ichinohe, nice to meet you Midorya! By the way, who's Todoroki?"

Midorya smiled even wider "Thanks! It's nice to meet you too, Todoroki is the one with the scar and dual-coloured hair!" He paused "I wonder why he's been staring at you this whole time. He doesn't normally take an interest, in anyone."

Frowning Kiri said "Yeah, I've noticed too but it's probably-"

"Class, return to your seats, class is starting and I have a few announcements to make" Said a person wrapped head to toe in bandages, the person presumably noticed you "Except you new student, come up here and introduce yourself and quirks". Kiri obliged, walking up to the... teacher? 

"Azaiwa Sensei, I'd like to say that I'm glad you are ok after the fight! Yelled a dude with glasses, making a whole lot of robotic chopping hand motions.

 "I wouldn't label that as ok," Kiri thought, "but better go introduce myself"

 She took a deep breath and smiled. "Hello! My name is Kiri Ichinohe or Takami, my quirks are wings, which give me bird-like attributes and agility, and air manipulation, which lets me control the wind, like a wind bender I can also use it to create small objects, make ice, and hopefully change the weather.

A pink-haired girl with horns waved her hand in the air "Are you related to hawks by any chance?"

Kiri paused "Yes... The "Hero" Hawks is my biological father. But I don't see him as one.  Please don't ask me about him. I'm here as my own person, and I plan on beating all of you to prove that  I'm stronger than my father.

the class became silent, wondering why on earth would she dislike a cool hero like him, but they waved it off as Azawia sensei did the class attendance and announced the sports festival.

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