Chapter 3 (Sparring)

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(Shoto Todoroki POV)

"Hey Todoroki-san, Let's go! Class is going to start" said Kiri composing herself

As Shoto's mind still was processing the information, he only responded with a nod and walked to the field with Kiri in tow.

                                             - Time skip to when class begins -

(Kiri POV)

"You lot will be sparring in partners." Azaiwa said, "I'll let you pick your partners and Iida will supervise, I'm leaving for a meeting." The teacher promptly left, leaving us to our own devices.

"SIR YES SIR!" Iida yelled, saluting. He then proceeded to yell a whole bunch more things, to the point in which Kiri covered her ears, which were starting to hurt.

Todoroki noticed this. So he grabbed onto her shoulder and led her to a quieter area "Are you okay?" He asked "I figured you have heightened hearing due to your quirk so I pulled you aside."

Kiri looked up at him, pink dusting her cheeks. "Yea... I guess... you didn't have to drag me away though, I could've just used my wind quirk to muffle out what Iida was saying."

Todoroki's face reddened a bit "Oh! Yea...sorry, my bad." He quickly let go "By the way, I want to spar with you, if that's ok?" 

"Sure! I wanted to see your quirk in action, it's not every day I get to spar with someone with two quirks like me!" Kiri said "Let's head back, Iida's going to yell at us even more now anyways"

Todoroki shrugged "If that's what you want." Then he walked off.

"Huh," Kiri thought rushing to follow him "We literally just poured out our life stories, and yet he is still acting weird, I wonder if we are friends though?"  

"OI! SHiTTY PIGEON! FIGHT ME!" A voice shouted across the field. Kiri flinched knowing it was Bakugo, so she ignored him. Not wanting to start more drama. She saw Todoroki speaking to Iida to get their sparing match approved. So far Iida was nodding enthusiastically so she guessed their match was going to be given the A-ok. 

The rest of the class had already paired up and had started sparring,  so Kiri and Todoroki got into their fighting positions, directly across, and facing each other. With a robotic drone as ref, all there was left to do was for the drone to give them the signal to start. 

Kiri inhaled and exhaled, waiting for the signal, images of all she had learned flashed through her mind as she slowly came up with a plan. Then, as the drone beeped its approval for them to start, she immediately took off to the skies. 

(Shoto Todoroki POV)

Shoto watched in awe Ichinohe-san launched herself into the air, gracefully working with her quirks as she started on her attacks. No one he had ever spared with or met had such gracefulness, and beauty while fighting. Like an angel.

But he shook himself out of his thoughts, and immediately surrounded himself with ice, using it as a shield to protect himself from her dart-like feathers. Then he retaliated with his ice, aiming for her wings. 

Unsurprisingly Ichinohe-san had dodged most of the attacks, only having a bit of frost on the tips of her wings. Then she began closing on him, hurtling down from the sky like a bullet, all the while slashing at his ice with her arial quirk. 

Todoroki had started to tire from his relentless attacks on Ichinohe-san. Frost started to form on his arm, and as she landed right in front of him, they started close combat. Not noticing the small crowd of Class 1A that had formed, cheering them on. Even Azaiwa Sensei was there, back from his meeting. 

Todoroki was swiftly dodging all Ichinohe-san's attacks, but he was tired of the constant quirk usage, with his arm slowly frosting over. 

(Kiri POV)

Kiri was having fun, no one had been this much of a challenge before! But still, she had to hold back or Todoroki-san would overuse his quirk, she had already noticed his arm frosting over, so she slowed down a bit.

(Shoto POV)

Shoto was starting to get desperate, but then he saw an opening, he aimed the last of his frost at Kiri's wing. Hoping like some birds, are sensitive enough to at least have her double over in pain.

(Kiri POV)

Kiri felt an intense pain in her wings, noticing that they had frosted over, on instinct she punched Todoroki-san, not realizing he was swaying on his feet. Then he was out like a light.

Kiri immediately stopped, crying out. "I'm so sorry Todoroki-san! I should have held back more!" she shook him, but he had already fainted.

She had hurt someone! All the negative emotions she had about herself finally released themselves.

She let out an ear-shattering scream as she fell into a limbo of her thoughts. Todoroki was the first person to have ever heard her true story, exchanging with him a story of his own. He had been hurt just like her. Now, she hurt him! 

While all these thoughts flashed through her head, she didn't notice as she released all her aerial quirks power on everyone but Todoroki on the field. Sending everyone outside and flying out of the campus, his eyes flashing bright blue. 

She proceeded to pick Todoroki up in her arms, and because the force of the blast had shaken the frost out of her wings, she leaped into the air and headed to the school's hospital wing.

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