•15• I Remember You

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Abigail's Point Of View:
"Again?, we've met before?" Viktor asked me as I continued to smoke my cigarette "yeah, we did do you want me to refresh your memory?" I said as I laughed, Viktor looked at me and waited for me to speak which I did after a few minutes "okay so.... Long story short, we met in 2070 I was  19-years-old and I was working for Dexter Deshawn well... I'm still working for him, anyways me and you met a boxing party, we drank snuck away and had sex... Then 9 months later I had your son and we haven't talked since" I said to him as I looked at the night sky above us, I took a glance at Viktor and he looked shocked and surprised "we have son together?" He asked me, I grabbed my wallet and showed him a recent picture "he has my  brown hair but your cyan eyes" I said to him while holding my tears back "where is he now?" Viktor asked me, I look up at him "well... I couldn't take care of him and I couldn't find you so I had a family member take care of him until I was able to, I always made sure to send him whatever amount of money I could get, I feel such an idiot for not being there as much as I would've been" I said to him

"Does he know about me?" Viktor asked as he looks at me "yeah he does, which is a good thing some people don't even bother doing that" I said to him with a smile on my face, it's true I did tell my son who his father is and I'm glad he's accepted the knowledge of both his parents. I tossed the cigarette and was about to leave till Viktor gently grabs my hand, I look at him "our son... I want to meet him" he said to me "there's a family gathering at El Coyote Cojo in 4 months, we can go together" I said to him, Viktor smiled and made a mental note of the event, he was about to hand me back the photo but I refused to take it back "keep it, it's more yours then mine" I said to him, Viktor smiles before he hugs me, I heart just did backflips and it felt amazing, I hugged him back and smiled

After our hug I went back inside to be greeted by Dex "where the fuck were you?" He asked me I rolled my eyes "outside, am I not allowed to smoke? Seriously I'm not your dog" I said to him in anger, I don't know where the confidence is coming from but I'm starting to like it very much.

Viktor's Doll [on hiatus!!]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang